Caffeinated Chaos
Caffeinated Chaos Podcast - Where the hustle meets the heart — navigating business, parenthood, and everything in between with a cup of coffee and a lot of laughs.
Being a parent and an entrepreneur isn’t for the faint of heart—it’s messy, beautiful, and downright chaotic. Caffeinated Chaos is your weekly dose of real talk, humor, and practical advice for balancing the wild ride of parenthood with the relentless demands of running a business.
Hosted by Whitney Aguon, a mom who's use to typing proposals one-handed while holding a baby bottle in the other, this podcast celebrates the chaos, laughter, and resilience of parentpreneurs everywhere. Expect heartfelt stories, relatable mishaps, and expert insights delivered with a caffeinated twist. Each episode is designed to leave you feeling validated, entertained, and equipped with actionable tips to make your hustle more harmonious.
Whether you’re juggling conference calls and carpool lanes, or just here for the laughs (and maybe a little sanity), Caffeinated Chaos is your go-to space for navigating the chaos of life and business with confidence, connection, and coffee.
Tune in weekly for:
- Honest conversations about the highs and lows of parentpreneur life
- Actionable strategies for growing your business while staying grounded at home
- Laugh-out-loud moments that remind you: you’re not alone in this crazy journey
So grab your coffee, embrace the mess, and let’s dive into the beautiful chaos together!
Caffeinated Chaos
21. Balancing Business, Motherhood & SEO – Small Steps for Big Impact with Guest McKayla Spencer
In this episode, we dive into the whirlwind journey of entrepreneurship, parenthood, and branding with our guest, Mckayla Spencer from The Comma Mama Co. From a forgotten marriage license to finding the perfect business name, Mckayla shares how life’s unexpected moments shaped her path. We explore how she transitioned into writing and SEO, discovered freelance opportunities, and introduced her children to a world beyond traditional careers.
We also break down actionable SEO strategies for busy entrepreneurs—small but impactful steps you can take to improve your website’s visibility without feeling overwhelmed. Whether you have 5 minutes or an hour, Mckayla shares how to make SEO work for your schedule.
What We Talk About
- The story behind Mckayla’s brand name and how her husband unknowingly helped name it
- How working from home exposes kids to new career possibilities and cultures
- The role of entrepreneurship in breaking traditional job expectations
- Simple, time-friendly SEO strategies to grow your online presence
- Why small, consistent steps in SEO can snowball into big results
Actionable SEO Tips:
- Update your website’s page title and meta description (5-minute task)
- Reach out for guest podcast or blog collaborations (10-minute task)
- Repurpose existing content into SEO-friendly blog posts
- Set realistic time goals for SEO tasks to avoid burnout
Connect with Mckayla
- CLICK HERE to connect on Instagram
- CLICK HERE to connect on Threads
- CLICK HERE to visit The Comma Mama Co. Website
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Welcome back to Caffeine Chaos, my friends. Today, we have another amazing guest, and it's not just because I like her name. Mikayla, who is also the name of my daughter, Mikayla Spencer is a mama of three littles, five years and younger. I get it. She says a mediocre crocheter, but also an SEO strategist and a blog content writer. Essentially, what she does is she helps small business owners and brands organically show up on Google using sustainable strategies that work with your capacity. A bit of blogging on top, of course. So, get ready to get in beca Get ready, settle in, grab your coffee, because me and Mikayla are going to talk a bunch about SEO and parenthood. So, let's dive on in and welcome her to the podcast. Mike's in the way. Do you have the yeti too? That's what I have. I do. I haven't quite like figured out the proportioning, but we're good. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I'm like, my computer screen is like an arm's length away and I kind of keep it to where the wrist would be. So I don't know. I quite haven't figured it out yet either. Plus my taller comes over here and she's like, we'll grab it and be like, hello, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Um, we're recently, I got an office in June, June, July, maybe, and so now it's separate from the house. But, you know, I've been working at my dining room table for, for forever, so. Yeah. Now everything is separate from my children. See, I can't wait for us to, we're trying to find a bigger place because right now my It's like a cubicle in my living room, you know, and then I have my husband is entertaining the girls in the bedroom. I just didn't want the, I didn't want my computer to be in the bedroom. We try not to have too much tech in the bedroom. Like it's, there's a TV and that's about it. Um, okay, cool. So, um. Yeah, also, I forgot to mention, if you throw out a curse word or anything, that's totally fine. As long as you're not, like, Dropping it left and right. You've got total sailor mouth, yeah. Um, but other than that, we're good to go. Okay? Alright. Alright. So, ooh, wait, sorry, one more thing. I keep forgetting to say this. Could you please state your full, your name, so that in case I don't, I forget how to say it, I have you saying it. And then, yeah. Michaela. Michaela Spencer. Michaela Spencer. Okay. So it's literally the same. Okay. Wait, I want to start because I want to like, I'm just going to say this for the podcast. Okay. So welcome to the podcast, Michaela. So nice to have you here. It was great to be here, thank you. And, and for those who are listening, um, and Mikayla, I think I briefly mentioned this in my email, but you and my daughter have the same name. My toddler is also named Mikayla, so I hope, hopefully it won't get that confusing during the podcast, but yes. They're spelled differently, though. That was gonna be my next question. Spelled similarly. Um, which, funny, by the way, uh, I was only named Mikayla because my mom thought that Kayla was not a real name, quote unquote, so she was like, we gotta put an M C in front of there, so, you know, turns into a real name. My daughter is the same spelling, minus um, it's, instead of M C Kayla, it's M I Kayla. Yeah. That's a common one. If only my mom would have just thought that too, then I wouldn't have the mic. It's okay. My grandma has spelled it different for, for years. Every Christmas is a different spelling. She loves me though. I, yeah, my full name, my full first name is Whitney Lynn, and no one knows how to spell Lynn properly, um, that like most people think it's like L Y N or L Y N N, you know, like, like old Jamie Lynn, you know, that kind of thing, um, but it's actually L H Y N E. I don't know why or where that spelling came from, but I've been, I've been called like Whitney Lyne, and I was like, yes, Whitney Lyne, because that also makes sense, you know, um, but yes. I totally, I totally get it, um, too. And so, yeah, it's nice to know another Mikaela that's not my daughter. I mean, do you throw tantrums in Targets? Because mine does. Um, not lately. Probably not for a while. They're tempting though, so. I see where she's coming from. Yeah, I mean, you know, you have littles as well, right? Yeah, you know, I've got my three, um, One, he actually, my, my oldest just turned five, so all of them are still under, under five and under. Um, and yes, we have our fair share of, Tantrums, and Target, and Starbucks, and, you know, Food Lion, wherever, wherever we are. Oh my gosh. And then one starts, and then it's like a chain reaction. I'll get lucky on occasion, and then you have like the one, one of them will stand back and be like, what are you guys doing? For the most part, it's, it's very much a chain reaction, and one, one tips off, and the other's like, he's upset, I need to be upset. I don't know what we're doing, but we're doing this together. Yeah. Okay. All right. They know. That's a team. They're, they're on the kids team. They do. It'd be so nice when they finally come to our side, to our, you know, they'll, they'll get it when they have their own kids usually. And in like 20 years, um, well, that'd be 25. Well, I had my first at 20. Yeah. I was 19. And then on my 20th birthday, I found out I was pregnant and I was like, okay. That works out. And so, you know, maybe in 20 years, he'll understand me. He'll be like, yeah, I get it, mom. I get it. Just be like, refer back to this podcast in 20 years. Give this a listen, here, son. They'll have to, like, pull us out of, like, those, like, Indiana Jones storage archive boxes, then, you know. Yeah, okay. We totally skipped over what you do. Why don't you tell our listeners, like, who is Mikayla Spencer, and what does she do? So, hi, I'm Mikayla. I am the mom behind the Kama Mama Co. at, you know, I Gotta Do The Routine, because this is how I keep it all organized in this brain. Um But I'm the mom behind thecomicmomico and I am an SEO strategist and blog content writer. So I do all the things that get you on Google and then I all do, do the, all the content things that also help with Google, but blogging goes a little bit beyond that. But my whole thing is. You know, I'm really out there to create sustainable strategies and sustainable Essentially things that can work within your capacity because we have so many things going on That seo as you see it online or blogging as you see it online like a lot of it just seems without our reach because we just we Our time is like these little five minutes here and there. And so my whole goal is to make a strategy and share strategies that you can do in those five minutes. Or if you only have five minutes, like there's something that you can do to get even closer to ranking on Google, because once you get on Google. You know, it just kind of happens organically. You can be in the middle of a toddler tantrum in Target and have someone come visit your website. You're not online, you're not actively doing anything, but that's the whole point of doing the SEO. Like, we have so much going on, we can't be on our phones 24 7. So, that's exactly what I do. I hope you do that. Yes. Yeah. Oh my gosh. I just had this talk about, like, getting ranked. Um, on Google, too, especially for the podcast, since it's so new, and I was just like, yes, I have to do this all over again, like, you know, cause like, I did it for my business and now I'm like, okay, now I gotta do it for the podcast and, um, yeah, I mean, luckily, the only other podcast that's ever been named Caffeine Chaos is like, has two episodes and was in 2012, so. You get like a few more episodes out, you'll be fine. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I just, I just released episode number 10. By the time this episode is out, we'll probably be on, like, episode 25, so. So you'll greatly be outweighing what they got going on. Yeah, yeah. 100%. No worries. Um, awesome. So, like, are you, do you do, like, one on one services or do you do group services? Is that kind of, like, your jam? So, right now, I mainly just do one on one. Nice. I found that that works, works best with the lifestyle that I lead because I can always control, um, you know, how many drafts that I have to deliver in a month or, you know, if I bring on an SEO audit and optimization, like I know I have capacity for one a month or, you know, if it's during the school year, sometimes I can squeeze in two. Um, but then once we get into summer, I just don't have the capacity to do it. And especially since mine are so little. I had thought of hosting a group program, um, last year. I was like, it'd be really cool to, to sit down and do a program, you know, where I, I walk people through and we can do the drafts at the same time. I can help walk them through the edits and through the optimization and getting it published and then we can do like a quarter of content together. So like you're just on top of it and you don't feel as pressured because you got, you, you have that support. Um, but I wouldn't be able to give that support. Because I was, you know, tackled with toddlers, and, and still, still am, but it's not nearly as bad now that my, my youngest is coming up on her second birthday, actually, when this episode goes live, it'll be in about a month, um, maybe less than a month, so, she'll be two here soon, and I'm really, really hoping, fingers crossed, um, Well, I'm not hoping. I'm already in the planning of it, but I'm going to do a group program, and we're going to walk you through how to turn your podcast episodes into blog posts or blurbs, because I love some blurbs, um, and have them rank on Google. So it's going to be a group program dedicated to that, and I'm so, so excited just to, you know, I've been at this for Uh, Comma Mon Co has been around for about six years now, and I've been in the online space for about eight, and doing like blogging and stuff, and this will be like my first group program ever, so I'm super excited. Yay! Super excited there. Yes, I'm like super, uh, okay. So that's gonna be like really exciting. So at that time, like, how are you gonna balance family and your business? Like what's the, what's the plan? So we are the hope is we're actually going through a lot of like shifts right now that we never thought would happen because You know this but you know, this is our first year my first full year that I have not been pregnant I'm not Breastfed, you know, I don't have a toddler on me 24 7 like on the boob. So we're safe there and those take A lot out of you mentally and physically and both of those aspects. We're coming out of postpartum, so we're hitting that two year mark postpartum, which is really nice. And I can kind of start feeling that I'm mentally sane a little bit, a little bit more maybe. Um, and I think it does help that my five year old is starting to do things more independently. And so is my three year old, which is really nice because she'll turn four in May. So we really are becoming a little bit more independent, so versus three kids being super dependent, it's turning in, it went from three kids dependent, two kids super dependent, to one kid being really dependent, and by that I mean like, I don't have to change their, help them walk through changing their clothes, or putting their shoes on, like obviously their kids are still dependent, but it's getting a little bit off of me, so um, My husband's thinking about stepping back from his job that he does, because he works at a, um, he does blue collar work and does print press and all this good stuff. And, um, he's thinking about stepping back and essentially staying home, which I guess we'll know by when this episode goes live, but I don't know right now. We haven't officially decided, but. Either way, he's going to either take half days or compromise a little bit on his end so that I can successfully run the program, which I'm very excited for because I do think I have the potential. I have a strong community and, um, I would really love for him to You know, because you have one, you know, my spouse works. I don't know if yours does, um, but my spouse, you know, has worked for the past few years so that when I was pregnant or, um, breastfeeding or we were in the baby phase, um, that I wouldn't have to worry about taking on more clients to, to, so that we could pay our bills. So he's always kept the consistent job, but now we're hitting and, you know, he's been there for a while and they don't really treat him well and it's not great. And, um, I would love for him to find something that he is as passionate about that I am about my stuff and the only way he can do that is for him to step back and for me to step forward a little bit with the income and earnings and I'm hoping that the season will bring it but it's going to be, it's going to be so tricky. I really, I feel like there's going to be a bunch of compromise. There's probably going to be a few, like, touchy days. Like, were you supposed to do this today or was I supposed to do this today? But we'll, we'll figure it out. Um, I'm just excited that we're going to try. You know what I mean? Like, we're, it's like an adventure. Yeah, I completely agree because when I was pregnant with So my toddler, when I was pregnant with her, it was during COVID. So we were both home, like just working remotely. But during this last pregnancy, um, my newborn is five months right now. And so one, basically I had her in July and I left my job in March. So like that whole time, um, the pregnancy was really rough and I needed to like, basically just rest the whole time. And my husband, he was like. Just, just, you calm down, like, you just do what you need to do, and, um, yeah, he took care of everything, he went to work, um, luckily we have a housemate who also helps out, so then my, uh, Michaela, my toddler, was, um, getting the attention that she needed, while I was also having somebody around in case I had, um, another episode where I had to go to the hospital, and so, that was nice, and the, the two guys, they just, Took care of everything. Um, and now that I'm like, okay, I want to start the podcast. I want to do this. Like, I'm like, I feel like I'm just like ready now. And, and he too is in a job that he He likes the industry. Um, but yeah, I think that he wants to be able to like climb the ladder and it's just not happening there. Um, and so being like, okay, what do you want to do? And even to like my housemate, who's like basically my brother in law, I was just like, what do you want to do too? And he's like, I'm chill. I was like, you don't have to be, I was like, yeah, you don't have to be the Manny of the house anymore. Like if you want to do something. Uh, and he's like, no, I'm just chilling. But he's like, he's like this young, like 20 year old, like, you know, he's just chilling. Um, and, and I was like, okay, fine. You know, he's, it's so interesting. Cause my toddler is picking up the like personality of my housemate because they're always together. They're like best friends. Right. Okay. And she, she's like, Oh, Uncle's doing this and Uncle's doing that. And I was just like, Okay. And then she goes, Me and Uncle are going to the magic store. And, and, like, they play Magic the Gathering. And so. Oh, yeah. My toddler. I was like, do you know Magic The Gathering? And she goes, it's a bunny. And I go, okay. Yeah. you know, magic. That's, it's a bunny. Good job. It's a bunny. That stress as a wizard, you know, we actually, we play Magic The Gathering, which I mean, we don't get to as much anymore.'cause we used to have, we used to host game nights, like regular game nights over at our house. We'd have like our friends come over mm-hmm And, um, we'd all sit down and do cards. But when we, we, after the third one, it got kind of complicated. That's right. Instead of like one person per toddler, you got one person with two toddlers and then one person with us. Because, you know, you have all these cards on the table and, oh my gosh, it would end up in just chaos so often, but um, that's how my, my five year old is. He's like, I want to play the card game, mom. And like, you can when, when you can read, unfortunately. We have to wait, we have to hit one more milestone. Like, you're getting, we're working on it. We're working on those sight words, and we're working on everything. But he, we gotta get that reading down, and then we can talk about playing the card game. But, she gets all the tokens. Yeah, yep. We, um, we have a lot of the extra lands and stuff, and he's like, or the mana, and he's like, I'll have these, and we're like, per perfect. Whatever you need to do, man. Game included. But we did introduce Candyland. Ooh, that's a good one. They've been doing really well, my three year old and my five year old. They've been doing really well with it. Um, I was really surprised, and it's so much easier to sit down and do, like, a board game with them than it is for us to, like, do the imaginative play. Mm hmm. Um, so now we can all sit down and play Candyland, and my Um, youngest will sit in my lap and be on my team and, and my husband will make the card, uh, where she can only pick one. Yeah, yeah. And she's like, look, and that's what she's like, look, mom. And then she'll, and then we do our turn and everything. We've lost every time. I don't know if it's her luck with the cards, but, um, every single time. I made it in last. I mean, what can you expect? It's a one year old drawing cards. Who knows? Beginner's luck. My toddler, she, um, she is really into, I got her the Bluey Scavenger Hunt game. And technically it's a board game. Right? But there, there's a topic that says find. And so if you land on it, He's like, find something green. And so then you, you turn the clock and she has to like run around and find something green. And so like at the end of the game, we have this like pile of toys next to her because she just went into a toy box and was like green and then brought it back to the board game or like red. And so she's getting used to that. But then, when it comes to, like, the magic, so, my housemate, he has the cards, but, like, we don't pull them out very often, because, you know, just like you, like, she just wants to, like, touch all the cards, so we all have, on our phones, the arena game, a version, the digital version of Magic, and so we'll literally play there, and sometimes, um, I'll just let my daughter play against him, and because the cards light up blue when you can use them, and so she just sees blue, and she's just like, okay, she moves it to the center of the screen, and so I just hear in the other room like, oh man, and I go, what did you do? Oh yeah, you're kicking uncle's butt. And she's just like, whatever blue card lights up first, that's the one she's playing. Um, but it's interesting because you get to like see. Your kids, like, develop their personality and their love for, like, certain things and, and sometimes, you know, my daughter wants to be a ballerina, but then also be, like, a dinosaur. And, I just, toddlers are so interesting and, like, people could study toddlers as, like, a whole different, like, species. They have their own language, their own, like, mannerisms. And it just seems, like, interesting. Um, I don't know if this is a thing for you and super off topic, but my sister and I were talking and she goes Did you introduce dinosaurs to your daughter? And I go, no. And she goes, why does it seem like every child, no matter if you never talk about dinosaurs, seems to find out about dinosaurs and has a love of them for like a year and then they're over them, you know? Literally, like dinosaurs are the interest. You do get on some kids that are some toddlers like my nephew. He's the same age as my, my middle girl. Um, and he, he can, Dinosaurs? Can name them. Um, same with tractors. He knows the different types. The, the excavators and the cranes. Like, he can name them all. And I'm like, What the heck? How do you know that? My, my, my daughter just likes to throw out big words like, That's magnificent. Or, it's delicious, mommy. I'm like, okay. Good word, but it sounds so weird when you say it. She has to put that emphasis on it too. Like, it's delicious, mommy. Okay. Okay, I know for a fact that my daughter gets her like building one from rubble from. Oh, yep. That's where she got it from. But Diana, like the dinos one is like, we never watched land before time in front of her. Like, we never watched Jurassic Park in front of her. And she just got into dinosaurs. They really do. They pull it out of nowhere. And then you start seeing them everywhere. Then there's like dinosaurs on their fruit pouches. And then there's like dinosaurs on their juices. And I'm just like. I was like, no way did all these things have dinosaurs before I bought them. Like, they just magically appear. You know, that mimicking, it kind of brings me back to, um, my, my youngest right now. Because the other two kind of, they kind of do their own thing at this point. But she's still into mommy work. So, you know, when I'm sitting at my computer, so for Christmas, she got my little leapfrog computers. And so now she'll pull it up next to me and she'll go, mommy work. Mommy, work. Okay, if that's what you want to do. And she's really into it. She'll sit here for a while and just Just work. Tap away and work. And I'm like, okay, girl. I guess we'll work right now. That's fine with me. Yeah, like if you're content chilling Yeah, I think I feel like my daughter has gotten over me working I like to you know, and I think you have kind of we talked about this before we started recording But like bring our littles into our business and like kind of like Show them what's possible like you were just talking about how? Um, your daughter comes over and says work. I mean, my daughter comes over and she's just like, Are you doing your homework, mommy? And I'm like, Yes, technically I'm home and I'm working. I'm doing my homework. And she goes, Okay, I'm going to do my homework. She has ABC mouse. And so she's like, I'm going to do my homework. And then she starts doing it. And she goes, I got tickets. Did you get tickets? I'm like, I wish somebody gave me tickets. I kind of got paid at some point. Yeah. I get the money to buy your tickets. Yeah. We, we, this is how we bought the ABC Mouse, ma'am. Um, No, I, mine do the same. Very, very, very similar. Um, but mine have been in my business for so long. I think the very first time that I paid for a brand shoot, like a brand photo shoot, I had my littles in it. Which is funny because, um, at that time my, my, my middle girl was younger than my youngest is now, and so it's so crazy to look back at it. But, um, you know, and we, I'm literally called the Comma Mama Co. Right. It's in your name. My husband, yeah, yeah, my husband came up with the term. I was like, what if I call my business? I really didn't want it to be Michaela Spencer because at that point I was originally planning, you know, we hadn't been married yet. And I was like, well, what if I change my last name? Which He took the marriage license away and his, um, his jacket after we got married, um, and his groomsman returned the jacket because we just, we rented them from his warehouse. And we took off to Florida and it wasn't until we, like, we're almost in Florida. He's like, Oh my gosh. The marriage license is in the jacket, which luckily the, the, um, guy, the person who did the, oh my gosh, the person who actually married us submitted one, the officiant. Yeah, like the officiant. He actually submitted one for us because he's like, I'm not going to give it to you. I'm, I'm going to go submit this and send it in. So we're, you know, we're legally married, but I don't have a copy to take anywhere. I don't have a copy to take anywhere to, like, change my name or do anything. So I was like, well, when you can get up there and get a copy, I'll change my stuff. But until then, we'll skip it. So I was like, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna call myself, you know, Mikayla Spencer. And it just seems presumptuous for me to change it to Mikayla Steen already. Also, I'm not a big fan of how Mikayla Steen looks as, like, a dot com. What do I call myself? That's fair. Well, what do you like to do? I'm like, well, I like to write. Like, this whole thing is writing. Like, it's stemming from My need to write. Mm-hmm And he said, well, okay, why don't you do Mama with Something? I'm, and he's like, what does Mama sound good with? I'm like, all right, well we got this, this. And he is like, what about Calm Mama? And the funny thing is he does not Remo remember this conversation. He's like, I did that. And I'm like, yeah, you're the whole reason this, you know, came into fruit fruition. Like, you, you are the genius behind the name. And he's like, Hmm, okay. Yeah. I could see that. But, um, they've always been, they've always been a part of it. It's been crazy. You know, maybe one day I'll change it, but I don't see that coming anytime soon, but. And, I mean, they're in, I, uh, up until yesterday I had a, a little setup in my office for them to play. We just took it out, um, because they have brand photos this upcoming weekend. And we, I was like, maybe the Paw Patrol car can move for that. But, they watch me and they sit with me and, um, it's really cool to watch them. Because I, you know, we're marketing on Instagram and we're connecting with people and everything like that. So they get to, and they used to pop in during calls and stuff like that and, but, um, they'll see where I'll be talking to someone like for example, um, I worked with a trademark lawyer not too long ago in Arizona and she's got these amazing power suits. Her name is Chandler, but she's got these amazing power suits that she wears on occasion. Um, especially to her speaking events and Addie, my daughter, was just like, What is she wearing? I'm like, well, it's like a it's a suit, baby. You've seen one. She says, I like it. He's cool. And I was like, that's really cool. Because there's no way she would have seen, you know, a trademark lawyer in a power suit anywhere near us. We're, we're, we're in a very rural area. Um, you know, most of us either work, like, I'm the first person to have our little business here, or work online or do anything, and more of a creative field, I would say. Okay. You know, it's typically, you're into nursing, or, um, you go work in an office, or, um, you stay home, you work as a teacher. That's, that's Most of our, like, women jobs here and then the men typically work blue collar work and, um, work in the factories that we have around here or the warehouses or, um, just different jobs like that. So it's, it's very nice to introduce these different ideas or even just to have this business and they're like, oh, you work on your computer? I'm like, yeah, I do. It's really, it's really cool. And, you know, then when we get to go on the, on the zoo days and stuff, they're like, you don't have to work today? I'm like, no. Oh, we could just, we could just go to the zoo guys. Um, so it's been really nice to, to kind of have that balance and, and that introduction. Yeah. Into the different ideas and different worlds. And I mean. Before I got started in this, um, I knew, uh, I wanted to do writing of some sort. Like, I knew I wanted to write, but I didn't know how I was gonna write. I was like, well, I'm not really a book writer. Um, I'm interested in being a journalist, but then I had, like, a situation, and I was like, well, maybe I'm not actually a journalist. I don't think I'm personable enough. I'm not extroverted enough to do that work and actually like talk to people. And so I was like, well, what the heck do I do then? Like, that's 90 percent of writing, isn't it? Um, and it wasn't until I, I, I hopped on Upwork and I had discovered that there were such thing as blog writers and. You know, um, and doing marketing and stuff like that. I was like, oh yeah, that does make sense now that you think about it. But before that, I was like, that's not an actual, like, job. People just, it just appears there somehow. And so it was really cool to, to be able to kind of introduce that to my littles. Like, they now know that copywriters exist, content writers exist. And they ask questions sometimes. And I'm like, well, this is a lawyer or this is a therapist, but she's not seeing people at your school. She's like seeing, seeing people online or, um, You know, just, just different, different people who we would have never met. Absolutely would never met. I swear, um, I feel like my toddler is It's more an extrovert than anyone else in our family. She'll literally walk up to someone and she'd be like, Hi, I'm Mikaela. This is Jasmine, my little sister. This is mommy. This is daddy. This is uncle. And I'm just like, God, nobody wants to hear our life story right now. Like, we're just trying to check out, you know, but like, it's so true too, because like. So before I started doing more of the online business, um, I was going to local pop ups and I was working with small vendors at their like, you know, at their markets and all that. And so we would go around and she'd just be so interested and she's like, what's that? What's this? What's that? You know? And we worked in a very like, High Hispanic area, right? But we are not Hispanic. Um, I'm half Filipino. My husband's from Guam. And so she's seeing like, oh, what's that? Like, oh, that's a candle and a jug. Like, you know, and then also just being like, okay, this is this culture. Like, and then. And then everybody was like, so like, Oh, she's so cute. Like, let me tell you, like, and so she just loves, she asks us so many questions and she loves meeting new people that she will go out and meet people who don't even want to meet us, you know, that are ready to meet people right now. Yeah. And so I'm just, I always find it funny. I literally did this the other day, but she was like wanting to hold something. I was paying for it and she's like, I want a card. And so I'll give her my business card. Right. And then she goes, Oh, it's mommy and daddy, like on the card. And then she'll go around and start flashing it to people. Look, it's mommy and daddy. Look, it's mommy and daddy. And I'm like, I was like, I swear somebody like scans the QR code off of that. And I'm like, I'm going to have to give her referral bonuses. Like, yeah. But she's just going around showing people like my card and they're like, oh, you know, good job. Yeah. I got to give her more tickets because like, someone's going to be like, oh, that's really nice. Like, oh yeah. I see it. And you know, and then of course they look closer because they're like, are you lost? Like, do you need me to find your mommy and daddy? They do a double take of what? Yeah. Are you looking for them? Yeah. I was like, Oh, Michaela, leave the nice people alone. Um, but I totally agree with you. The fact that like, we get to expose our children to new things that they normally wouldn't be exposed to, especially so young now, you know, and they're like really inquisitive state that they are. Um, I think it's great. Um, I was talking to you about the wedding dress behind you. So everyone listening to this, Michaela has a wedding dress, her wedding dress hung behind her. And I was telling Michaela before we started recording that I help with a bridal boutique, a local bridal boutique here. And My daughter loves going to this boutique with us, right? And she'll, and I swear, she can sell a dress. We can walk in and they'll have like a, like a client, a bride in a dress. And she walks in and she goes, Wow, you're a princess! Oh. And I'm just like, okay, like, and then, you know, I was like, okay, yeah, I'm just here to like, like, get some shots for Instagram. And she goes, you look really, really pretty. It's really, your dress is so sparkly. And I'm like, sell it, girl, sell it, you know. And, and so she loves the dresses, she like, has kind of learned also the wedding industry, in a sense, at least from, like, the dresses, but she'll like, do flower girls, she's posed for them for flower girl dresses, and, um, they absolutely love her, like, she gets paid in toys, so they literally just like, Gave her like Christmas gifts for like baby dolls and all that and and I'm just like, okay. Well, she's happy I'm happy doesn't you know, you're happy as a client And so I think that it's really important and then then she also gets to have that like moment Like I feel like a princess too, you know, but then at the same time like where's my toy like Where'd it go? Girls gotta get paid, you know. Yeah. Yeah. She should. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Um, before we move to your chaotic moment, do you have any like small actionable steps that you would recommend our listeners take if they're like getting into SEO and starting to think about like, Oh my gosh, I need to get started on this for my website? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I want you to think about the amount of time that you have. And whether that's five minutes or the time that you know you can create. And most tasks for SEO, if you, if, excluding blogging, blogging is probably the only one that would take longer. But most tasks for SEO, you can do something in 15 minutes. Some things you can do in five minutes. So think about the amount of time that you can commit. And it could be daily, weekly, monthly, that's fine. Because every little thing that you do will snowball and it will help. It is not an all or nothing thing. Obviously, if you can do it all, it's going to work quicker. But if you can take these little tiny steps and these little tiny pockets of time, it will snowball and it will help as you continue. So think about this time and then think about an action you can take. So typically, I say, all right, there's A few different ways of SEO. You have your on page, your off page, local content, which is pretty much blogging and the copy on your pages. The easiest thing to do in a short amount of time is probably your on page because then you can log into your website, update your title, your page title, and your meta description. You know, you want to be, you want to tell them what's on the page, who it's for. And and what you do, um, if you have a little bit longer, so say 10 minutes, you can start working on your off page. So reach out to a friend or, um, someone else in the industry and you can reach out to someone you don't know. That's perfectly fine too. Just send them an email or Um, looking to do on podcast episode together because us doing this episode when you publish it on, um, when you finally go and publish it and it's online and Google can see that I was a guest here, that's going to help my SEO. So. Everything like that, every little step helps. So go ahead and pitch yourself. Um, if you can do a guest blog post, you know, maybe you can't do it on your own website, you don't have the time to commit to the consistency, pitch a guest, guest, wow, pitch a guest blog post, um, and write a blog post, you know, sharing some insight like you would on a podcast episode. Um, if you have a lot of time, that's when you can consider blogging, or, you know, deep diving into keyword strategy and stuff like that. Um, But that does take a little bit more time and it's going to perform best with consistency. So I always like to say, start with these small, these small things. And if you're guest posting or podcasting on other people's podcast, you can always ask, say, hey, can I use our podcast episode and turn it into a blog post for my website? Because you can do that without, you know, duplicating the content. Because if you're rewriting it, structuring it differently, it's going to be different. Um, and that'll give you some content to work from or, um, You know, you can use your carousels and turn it into a blog post and try and structure it for SEO. There's a, there's a lot of different ways to navigate the time you have. So I guess my first little thing is just to look at the time you do have and then find something that can fit into that time. Um, you don't want to force yourself to make more time because then that's just gonna put more pressure on you. So if you can't sustain it, it's, it's not gonna work out. So be realistic about, okay, well, I really only have five minutes. That's quick enough. You can look on Instagram and you have, you have to do it a little five minutes at a time. Maybe the first five minutes you're finding someone you wanna collaborate with, um, the second five minutes you're actually applying to their show or listening to an e, the, you know, a few minutes of the episode to see if they're a good fit. And then that third five minute day on the, that Wednesday you've done Monday, Tuesday, and now you're on Wednesday. That's when you actually apply. And then you schedule a timeframe. And if you have to say, you know, Hey, my kids are. Wake during these hours. Is there any way we can squeeze in an interview after 8 p. m And some people will accommodate that a lot of people will just You know, communicate gently and say, you know, Hey, this is, this is what I got working for me. Or if you do do a guest post and you're like, Wow, it's gonna take me a long time. I don't know, um, how I can get that done. Just say, okay, well, realistically, maybe I need two weeks to do this instead of three days. Or say, hey, can I, let's do this, but I probably won't be able to have the draft to you until X, Y, Z. Like, just be real, stick with your time frame, stick with the time frame. Um, and make those baby steps, because every little thing will count. And it will. You will see a difference. I promise. Awesome. Thank you. Yeah, that's really important. And I love the fact that you tell our listeners to like, first look at their time. Because the last thing we want is to just pile on stuff. To time we don't have like exactly um, and I, I really even just spending a little bit of time on seo is going to make so much of a difference in two years or say if you're on your first baby and you're like man, you know, I do have plans to expand my my family and I would like maybe one or two more kids if If my, if my body works out and everything goes as I would love it to. Working on these little steps during this first postpartum period, or pregnancy, or even if you're in your second and you want to, you want to expand in your third, or say you want to do homeschooling and so you know that your time's going to be short in like two years and it will snowball, which means in two years, you won't have to spend so much time being logged on. You won't have to be so concerned about making sure that people see you on Instagram or that you send the next email because you will have your website working for you, continuing to show up, and if you've done some blog posts, you'll have those continuing to show up too. So it's just, it brings us so much more visibility, especially when our time is so limited. Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. Good point. Thank you, Mikayla. Okay. So, we can't call ourself Caffeine Chaos without talking about a chaotic moment. So, do you have one? I do. Um, this is probably one of my most memorable ones. This is back when I was taking calls in my nursery. So, um, I moved from my, my, well, my son's room is now into, um, the nursery. And this is after my second baby. And I don't remember what my son was doing. He's probably taking a nap or something, but she was not. She was chillin until she wasn't. And this was the one day, um, it was probably one of my longest term clients, and I loved working with them. And I do think I got lucky with the client that I happened to be on the call with. Um, it just so happened that she had also brought on one of her directors to be on the call with us, and I had never met him before. And I was like, okay, well, I normally don't talk to the men, and, um, Because I work with mostly female founders or female entrepreneurs, and so normally men just aren't in there, and I'm like all right well Great first introduction and everything's fine, and she's no more than like four months old Maybe it might have been even three because she was she was really little and of course She had to be fed. She was screaming and she wouldn't settle and I was like, Oh no, I'm gonna have to, I'm gonna have to whip it out. I'm gonna have to whip out the boob because none of my babies would take bottles. I tried. I really did. And, you know, you know, your milk starts coming in when they start crying too. So it was like, either I'm gonna feed her or I'm gonna just be dripping down my shirt. Yep, yep. So I had to like Pause it because they were also on a short time frame and I was like, okay, we can continue this But I'm gonna have to feed her like right now. So, um, they it was fine. But like I afterwards I had like this like Embarrassment hangover. I was like, oh my god I just that just happened and of course that you know, you're in that fresh postpartum this and I was like, oh my gosh Luckily, I when I say I was lucky with a client they actually do They work with babies Not directly, um, but they work with the mothers, and they were a company that stored umbilical cords. Oh, okay. So that, like, you could have the stem cells in case anything happened on later in life. Um, they're, they're a wonderful, wonderful company. Um, but it was just, I was like, I've never met this man before. I don't normally get on, you know, facing calls anyways. And now I'm gonna have to whip out my boob and feed my baby and, like, make all the adjustments. Cause there's no easy way to do it. I'm sitting at a tiny desk and my Daughter's nursery, which is also small, and the most uncomfortable chair ever, and I'm like, I don't know how this is gonna work out. You know, I'm just hoping that the crying isn't gonna wake up my toddler, or disturb him from whatever he's doing, and I'm like, we're gonna have a chaotic, like, we're just gonna have an event. But, luckily it worked out, and we've had, I've had so many more interruptions on calls, now when you book a call with me, it says, um, You know, there may be interruptions, you, or, I don't know if I have it on my most recent call scheduler, but it used to be for the longest, it said, um, there may be tiny people coming into our call, just, just be prepared, there, there's no stopping them, like, A toddler is a pretty unstoppable force as far as they go. Oh, yep. Yep, and if you stop them, then you will hear them anyways. It just makes it worse. Yeah, like it just, then you have the entire meltdown instead of just like a baby meltdown or interruption, and then you have to like, monitor, and then you're like, well, is it better if they just come say hi or You know, what, but then they say hi, and then they're like, well, I need to tell you my life story now. I ate mac and cheese for lunch. Um, Addie fell on her face. Addie got, Addie got in trouble, or Bubba got in trouble, and then you, you just have to hear it all. And, uh, so it's always like a measurement of, do I, do I just let them come over here and say it, or do they walk away? Um, but luckily, most of, I will say most of the clients that I've had, Or, calls that I've had, people I've had calls with in the past year, for sure, have been very understanding. They've been like, oh, it's nice to meet them, and I'm like, well, good, that means we're, we're, we're good to work out. We're good friends. Oh my god. That just totally just reminded me of this story. Um, so, my I was on Discord with some gamers, and luckily it wasn't like a work call or anything, but I was talking to them, um, it was not through video, but through audio, and I was talking to them, and my toddler comes up to me really loud, and we're, we're potty training right now, and she goes, she goes, Mommy! I got a poo, like really loud and then, so then everyone hears it through my headphones and I was like, Oh, sorry, got to take my toddler to the bathroom and I was like, we're potty training and then it was, they were like, so supportive and really funny. They're like, Oh, yay. She's going to go poo in the toilet. I was just like, okay, I'm going to go AFK. Let me turn off the sound. No, I totally understand that. For my, um My, my middle girl when she was potty training, actually still now, she has to announce it before she'll even, like, start her trip to the bathroom. She's like, I have to go pee! And then she, like, looks at you and she's like, I have to go pee! And I'm like, then go to the bathroom and then she'll go. But she has to announce it every time and then when she comes back and she's like, it was just a pee, mom. It's not a poop. I'm like, me too, girl. Me too. You know, I took a potty break too. It's fine. She's, but she's, she, um, my little ones have such strong personalities and I absolutely adore them for it. Um, my favorite is that my, or not my favorite, but one of my favorite situations is my, my three year old. Um, she's very straightforward. So you can be like, did you like that? No. Yep. Is that your favorite? Yep. Did you do that? Yep. Okay. Okay. Like, it's just the way they say it, too. Yep. I respect her so much. She's great for it. Um, my son will do the same thing, too, on occasion, but he likes to go into the spiel. Um, but my, my one year old is definitely picking up the same pattern. She's like, yep. Nope. Nope. I'm like, all right, girl. All right. I see it. That's fine. Yeah. Do you think they get that from you or your husband? Probably me. Probably me. I always say that, like, they look like my husband, but they have my personality. It's been, I think we have a pretty good mix. I'm, they're definitely all more, well, I would say my son, he's not nearly as extroverted as the other two. But my girls are so extroverted, which is just like my husband. I'm very introverted. So it makes me and Carson will like sit back and we'll be like, okay, y'all can just chit chat with people and do your thing. And we're just sitting in the background like, okay. But so far, um, my son has the most interest like us. Jesus. But my son has the most interest like us. You know, he's really into like his, his video games and his car games and stuff like that, which I guess he was around the most because we were able to do it a little bit more when he was, when he was younger and it was just him. Um, my daughter though, my middle girl, um, she's, she'll do it, but I think she's just doing it cause we're doing it. She was like, okay, it is pretty cool, but it's not something I can spend a lot of time in. She's way more interested in like, dance or her Barbie dolls and, you know, doing her baby dolls, um, and art. Oh my gosh, she will paint all day long if you let her. She got an easel for Christmas and she will just paint. All day long. She loves it. And then my one year old, she's just, she hasn't really done anything yet. She's still one, but, yeah. She's just like, wherever mom is, that's where I want to be. And she's very aggressive. Um, not like hitting and stuff, but like with her affection. So if loves you aggressively. Oh yeah, she loves it aggressively. She will grab your face and just squish it and then, like, or she'll grab you from one side and then squish her cheek to your cheek and just push. Doesn't want to give you a kiss or anything. She's just like, Oh, you got to be face to merge. Yeah, she's like, this is as close as we can possibly be. I love you, mom. And I'm like, but she does it to everybody. My mom thought it was the funniest thing and I was like, I don't know what to tell you. She hasn't grown out of it yet. She's been doing that since she could, I guess, physically lift her head. But if she wants affection, she does cheek to cheek. She's like, we're cute. That's so adorable, though. I'm loving it. It's quite cute, but it is very aggressive. It's not like a gentle cheek to cheek. It's like a, no, you get over here. I'm like, okay. Yes, ma'am. Yeah. Whatever you need. All right. Before we go, um, how can. Listeners get in contact with you. Alright, so, the easiest way if you want to check out my stuff is TheKamamaCo. com, but if you just like to hear me talk or you just want to chat, probably Threads or Instagram, and both of those are at Kamamama. co. I'm probably the most active on Threads because I feel like it doesn't take as much strategy and planning to stay active on, but I am over on Instagram too. I love Threads. I'm starting to really love it. Yeah, very much on Threads. Awesome. Okay, so I will put all of your information down in the show notes for our listeners, as well as a link to your website and your page. Okay, Yay! Any final thoughts before you go? No, but um, this was an amazing chat. I love to just, I could, I could talk forever on this. Yeah. For sure about the mom stuff, like I could definitely talk forever, and so I'm just happy you, decided to have me on. Thank you so much for coming on. I'm so glad I got to meet another Mikayla. I mean, I'm sure one day my daughter will be like, You have the same name as me. Like, cause she's never met another Mikayla. Yeah. My daughter's name is Addie, and we met another Addie the other day, and they're like, almost the same age, and she's like, She's an Addie too? And I'm like, yeah. Isn't it so weird when you also meet someone who's like the same age group as you? Mm hmm. Like was our names popular at the same exact time, thank you so much for coming on and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. You too. A big thank you to Michaela for coming on if you're listening to this podcast when it releases on February 17th, Michaela will be to blog challenge, which I am joining basically, it's a three day challenge helping podcasters turn their episodes into SEO blog posts so that your podcast can do more work for you. All right. So if you are interested in that, go check out Michaela and contact her. All the info is down in our show notes. And as always, I will see you all on Thursday.