Caffeinated Chaos

23. Chaotic Parenting Moments and Copywriting with Guest Ellie Murnane

Whitney Aguon

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In this episode of Caffeinated Chaos, I sit down with Ellie to talk about something every entrepreneur struggles with—asking for help. We dive into the reality of trying to do it all, why delegation is a game-changer, and how mental overload can hold us back from success. Ellie shares her insights on managing stress, closing those overwhelming "mental tabs," and embracing support to thrive in business and life.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re running on fumes but still pushing through, this episode is your reminder that you don’thave to do it alone. Grab your coffee, take a deep breath, and let’s chat about making 2025 your year of growth, balance, and support!

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

✅ Why asking for help is a strength, not a weakness
✅ How to recognize tasks that are draining your energy without real impact
✅ A simple mindset shift to manage mental clutter and avoid burnout
✅ How leaders and entrepreneurs set themselves up for success by delegating
✅ Tips for handling intrusive thoughts and teaching kids emotional awareness

Memorable Quotes:

💡 "You can do it all, but you can’t do it all well."
💡 "Close the tabs in your mind—too many open apps will drain your battery."
💡 "The best leaders aren’t afraid to ask for help."

Resources & Links:

🔗 Follow Ellie on Instagram: @ek_copywriter
🔗 Check out Ellie’s website:

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Welcome to Caffeinated Chaos, where business deals happen between diaper changes and friendships are fueled by caffeine. I'm Whitney Uggen, your host, and I'm here to talk all things business, parenthood, and of course, keeping up with the BFFs. Whether you're juggling the boardroom, the playroom, or just here for some coffee fueled chaos, we've got you covered. Get ready for real talk, laughs, and a whole lot of heart as we dive into the beautiful mess that is entrepreneurship, parenthood, and everything in between. So let's embrace the chaos together. Caffeinated, of course. Welcome back to Caffeinated Chaos. Today, we have an amazing guest, Ellie Murnan. She is a mom to three little boys, and she used to say that she moonlights as a copywriter, but she is transitioning to it being her full time thing. We have a great conversation for y'all because basically we are just two moms talking about the chaotic moments of parenthood. And don't worry, we will be sprinkling in some copywriting advice. And of course, I love my actionable steps. So Ellie will be giving her actionable steps if you are just starting to look for a copywriter. All right, let's dive on in. We are here with Ellie. This is Ellie's first time on a podcast. So I'm really excited to have you on. Thank you for joining us. Indeed. Thank you for having me. I'm so excited. And I know it's late viewers. You don't know this, but Ellie is like. I don't know, what, seven o'clock at night right now? Seven. So it feels like midnight. It feels like winter. It's snowy. It's dark. I can see that in the window behind you. it's like pitch dark. Yeah. Into the void. So Ellie, why don't you tell our viewers, what you do and a little bit about you? Yeah, for sure. So, primarily I, raised our three boys. I stayed home with our three boys. And then a couple of years ago, was bored during nap time and I was bored. I missed working. I missed kind of using my brain creatively. So I was like, let me see what's online to do. And I just sort of started copywriting and looking into using my brain that way. And, it kind of just spiraled into a business. Like I got a job and I was like, well, that was fun. I'm going to just be done now. And then. I got another job and I was like, Oh, okay, I guess I'll do this project. And then another one came down the pipeline. I was like, Oh, great. Okay. We'll do this one. And it's just kind of spiraled into like a full blown thing. So now I am a mom moonlighting as a copywriter. When the boys are asleep. Nice. Nice. So, like, right now? Like, if we were doing this podcast. Now I'm working. I have clocked in. Was the few years ago, like, during COVID, was that, or was it like post? It was post COVID. I had our second kid during COVID. So during COVID, we had our first, who was 10 months old, got pregnant with our second. So during COVID, we had two under two, and it was every bit as nightmarish. You can imagine, my husband, he at the time was working in a manufacturing plant. So he had to go into work and, you just didn't know at the time. Yeah. Are we going to get COVID from our clothes? Are we going to get COVID from waving at each other? And the anxiety was just so much. So I would say if. I mean, I guess it was kind of COVID. It was 2021. It wasn't 2020. It wasn't the dark, the year that was 20. Yeah. It wasn't the year. I guess it was trickling into the remnants. We were coming out of the darkness. Yeah. I actually had my first kid. In 2021 to, we got engaged during COVID. Um, and then no, no, we actually didn't get, we didn't have a COVID wedding because nowhere was book, like nowhere was booking places. They had to stop everything. And then they had to first honor everyone who had booked. So then my husband, fiance at the time. Sat down with the plan. We're like, well, we want to have a kid by this age, you know, and kid number two, hopefully by this year and it turned into. We wanted to get married, we got engaged in 2020, we wanted to get married in 21, kid in 22, and then kid in 24, when the first kid's two. And so, because of that, and we had to, we couldn't get married in the location with all our friends and family, right? We were just like, you know what? I'm cool with having a kid without being married. I was just like, yeah, for sure. I'm going to be with you. You're going to be with me. This is locked down, you know? And, and so I have my first kid with him in 2021. I said, that sounded weird. We had our first kid in 2021. I know. It's such a, they did have a hand in it. Grammar. I really am really happy that we decided to do it that way because as we were, as the world was coming back into doing everything in person, we actually got the chance and the opportunity to book our wedding at Disney's Alani in Hawaii. And me, my husband, had met at Disneyland. Oh my gosh. Oh, wait, I love that. Yeah. So Later that year, we got to have, in 2022, we got married in Disney Ilani, and they did everything, like, all I had to do was bring the dress, the groom, and show up, like, That's, that's what you want. So we, yeah, so we packed up me, our one year old daughter at the time, and 18 of our favorite people, right? And we just had a 20 person wedding in the, at Disney Alanis, and it was so great. It, we were supposed to have a small ceremony, which we did, and it was perfect. And then later that night, we were gonna go to the Luau as a group for, like the reception, right? Because, you know, they're gonna feed us, we'll have drinks, right? Yeah, for sure. It rained. But as it does, but because it's Disney and you know, they want you to have an experience, right? So they refunded us all of our, the money that we spent for the luau. And they were like, but we don't want to ruin your big day. So then they fed us. the food that was meant for the luau because they couldn't have the luau for everyone else because it was right. Oh, oh my God. Yeah. So then it was best case scenario. Yeah. Right. It, it was us and another wedding party that was there to also get married that same weekend. It was just like two weddings put together and you know, we were like, Hey groom, like to the other people. Yeah. And so we were just like in this, like conference room, with just all, everyone from the wedding, and we had our own private feast. And they only had like 50 people in their, like, ceremony. Yeah. So there was like less than a hundred of us, and we're just like, ooh, Kahlua Park, for sure, load up the plane. Yeah. Let's go. And then of course, and then we got the wedding cake and it was so nice. They even like box it up and bring it to your hotel room and put it in your fridge for you for later. And I was just like, yes, Yes, indeed. And then, so yeah, so that put us back on track and we actually just had our second daughter, Jasmine, in July, 2024. So. Right on schedule. We're right on schedule, baby. We had a plan. We executed the plan, even though we had to pivot. And you know, it could have been one of those like moments where I love to use the word like chaotic moments where I'm just like, oh my gosh, like, are we only going to be able to have one kid now? Cause I was getting older and I, there's an age difference between me and my husband. And I was just like, yeah, we're eight years apart. Same. No, we're seven. Oh man, so close. Ellie's like my new, life twin right here. Like, no, literally. Very similar. Yes. We're actually kind of also polar opposites. Well, you have three kids. I have two, but you have boys and I have girls. Yeah. So it kind of works out. We're balancing the world out. East Coast, West Coast. You go to sleep or start working. I have dinner, you know, yes. Yeah. I take. The chaos and I, you know, it's never going to be calm, right? No, no, but it can be managed with, with running a business and parenting, you have to lean into it. And like, I think once you radically accept the chaos, it ends up feeling in a way calmer, maybe from the outside, looking in, it doesn't look that way, but you're just so used to it. This is baseline. We're fine. Yeah. Well, Ellie, you know what that means? Because I shared a little chaotic moment with you. It's time for you to share some chaos with me. Oh, we can do chaos. I mean, where do we want to go? Do we want to go like potty training stories? Is that appropriate for a podcast? I don't know. Do you want to go? My daughter's potty training right now. Oh my. Okay. Trying to. I think hands down that's the worst part of parenting. So far, I'm sure that opinion will change as our kids get older, but potty training might break me overall. Ugh. Yeah. It is. It's. It's so difficult. And then when she's potty training and then the newborn, the five month old is teething. So it's like, you just can't get a break. No. Yes. Yes. Two, two ends of the system is just, you know, I know, I know, I know. Okay. A chaotic moment. Maybe we won't go potty training. I don't know. Are our viewers ready for that? Is that too much for the podcast? I mean, I'm down for it. Okay, here we go. Viewers! This is going to be a potty training thing, so skip a couple minutes if you do not want to hear it. If you don't want to hear about poop, just stop now. Okay, so we have three boys. There's six and under. There's six, four, and two. And we have a dog. Oh, yeah. I feel like I know where this is going. Okay. Okay. So the chaos is all day. It's all day. And, it never stops. And, when you put out one fire, another one pops up and sometimes there's two going and sometimes there's one and sometimes all three of them, everything is blowing up. Yeah. But you still have to parent. You still have to do your job and you still have to potty train. with all the fires going. So our youngest, we're just softly potty training him right now. He's two. So he's not, he's looking at his brothers and he's like, I can do that. Um, so, so one day he did, he did do that. He pooped on the potty and we were thrilled. I was like, he was like 18 months old. I was like, Oh my God, he's a prodigy. Wow. Do we have a Rhodes Scholar on our hand? Great. So he has his little potty. He went over and did it. I like said it to him as a joke. I was like, thanks. Go poop on the potty. And then I kind of walked away, not thinking of it. He's the third. So he's kind of walked away from often. I come back and he had done it. But as I came back, I heard like a bang in the other room, followed by. Screaming and you know, you're a mom. I feel like you can kind of judge. Okay. Is this an injured scream? Is this a fighting scream? Are they going to work through this? I couldn't tell it was like an in between. I was like, this is a scream I haven't heard before. So I run out of the room and the two older boys are just being two older boys. One had fallen and the other one is like yelling at him for falling. And he's yelling at him for pushing him. And I was like, Oh, okay, this is, you guys can figure this out. This is a sibling moment. So I go back to banks on the potty, he's up and running and I go to the potty. And there's nothing in the potty. There had been something in the potty and there was nothing in the potty. Where'd it go? And I was like, banks, did you flush? And he goes, No. And I was like, okay. So I was walking around the house, like, where, where did it go? I, he did nothing on his hands. I was like, where could it have gone? I'm searching. I'm searching. And I look over and I look at my dog and she is just standing there with the guiltiest look on her face. Like the guiltiest look. I think. I think she took care of the poop in conclusion and that's my chaos story and it's disgusting and I can't believe I'm saying it on national television like this is just a rock bottom moment and I overshared, but I just think there's nothing more chaotic than that. I truly nothing. She was doing you a solid she's like, I'll take care of that mom. 100%. So I looked it up and I'm like, Oh my God, my dog ate poop. She ate human poop. Is she going to be sick? Is she going to like, do I need to take her to the vet? Is this a chocolate grape situation that she going to die? No, the answer is no. And the worst answer is that once they do it, once they. We'll like continue to do it. Like it's something that like triggers something in their brain. And so it's either maternal and she's like, these are my children and I will take care of them. Cause that's like what dogs do for their puppies when they're born or it's anxiety. Yeah. So like dogs, when they're, when their puppies are born, they'll like, it's so it's actually disgusting, but like also kind of. No, it's disgusting. Overall, they have the babies. If the babies poop, they will like clean it up. Their little like nest area. I guess it's kind of cute. So I was like, was she trying to be a mom or was it anxiety from all the chaos? It could go either way. I don't know. She's like, we keep the house clean in here. That's right. Mother, you did not handle this. Like you should have. I mean, just wait for the day where the dog's like, no, we take that outside. That's happened. That's happened. Are you kidding me? Oh my gosh. I think all of our chaos stories revolve around the bathroom, actually, if I'm being honest. I think all of them do. I just saw this the other day, scroll through Instagram or whatever, and it's another video of some baby that's blown out. Yeah. And people are just like, look at this. You just don't, I feel like it's a part of parenting, you know? It's a natural part of life. You know, it's coming, but you just don't know the calamity of it until you're in it. What's that thing? Like everyone poops. Like it's like a book. Everyone poops. Oh, man. Okay. Wow. Okay. So we touched on, we touched on chaotic moment. We've obviously touched on parenting. Like we sure have. Okay. So let's talk about your copywriting then. So let's do it. So you're a moonlighting as a copywriter. Yes. I would say maybe we were past the moonlighting phase so it's been a couple years. So yeah, what's your favorite part about copywriting? Like why copywriting? Okay. So why copywriting? I didn't even know what copywriting was when I first started looking for like online work to fill during nap time. I actually was looking for translation work. I speak Spanish. I was a Spanish teacher. That was like, that's what I'm good at is languages. I was like, let me look into translating. And to be honest, it just seemed kind of boring. I was like, yeah, that's fair. And you're taking a document and you were literally writing it where it's very scientific and analytical. I am very. Creative, right brained, want to make something and there wasn't room for that in translating. And so I was like, I don't even know how I came upon copywriting. I think it might've been Instagram. I think the algorithm, Instagram mother was listening and she delivered and it popped up like, do you love to write and do you, have time in your schedule that you're trying to fill? And I was like, Oh. I sure do. I've kept journals since I was a little girl and I have read them. And now that I'm a grown up, I'm like, wow, those are some crazy thoughts. But anyway, I was like, let me try some copywriting. So, I just reached out to my friends and family. I was like, does anyone need like a website written or a blog post or emails? Does anyone need anything? Cause I've got free time. I want to try it. And I'll do it for free because I've never done it before. And so my sister was like, yeah, I need a new website. And I was like, okay, great. And I wrote her website and she had a designer make it beautiful. And I don't want to brag, but it's a really pretty website. So Grace, if you're listening, we love it. And it was really successful. She got a lot of views on it and it felt good. Like it. It felt right. So then from there, I just, that's how it started. Then another friend, I was like, Oh, I could do it. And so I charged for that project. I was like, Oh, okay, this worked. And so now we're two years into it. And the jobs are flowing. The ideas are flowing. I feel like this is the year. Last year we were just kind of feeling it out. We were still in the beginning phase. Like, I don't know if this is a thing or not. But, well, let's go with it. And this year, it's a thing. And it's really fun. And I'm working with really cool, creative business owners. And I'm getting to know really cool, creative business owners. And I just feel like the inspirational juices are flowing every day. And so we're just off like a rocket writing, creating and strategizing every day. And now you're here on your first podcast. And now we're here on our first podcast. Is that the sign when you're officially on a podcast? I feel like that's when you check it off. Yes. I'm glad. Bucket list. It really is. This is so cool. I, okay, I don't even remember how we connected. I feel it was probably Instagram or threads. It was either Instagram or threads. I can't remember either. I feel like I saw, no, actually no, I a hundred percent do. It was like six in the morning. I was doing my morning scroll and coffee before the kids wake up. And I saw your threads posts being like, Hey, we're like a branding studio. And we're doing a podcast called caffeinated chaos about parenting and running a business. And I was like, Well, ain't that speaking to my soul. Let me see what this is all about. And I saw the application and I was like, how fun. This is cool. Let's do it. Yeah. I mean, I feel like I've been wanting to have this podcast for so long, but because of my last pregnancy was so bad, like literally my housemate and my husband. Bought me a mic. We got the little, like, stand for my light. We got the headphones. And they were like, go for it this year, right? Yes. And I was like, cool. But then I got really sick. Oh no. Did you have, like, hyperemesis? No. It was really weird. During this last pregnancy, I got some form of rare bacteria. Oh my goodness. Even the nurses and, and the people taking care of me in labor and delivery, They were just like, Well, we can only give you the antibiotics. through an IV drip, but you have to come in for an hour a day for three days straight. And you have a toddler at home. Oh yeah. And I was like, they're like, we need to get you in as soon as possible. And I was like, okay, I can come today. And I was just like, my husband like drove back down, cause we're in Santa Cruz and he was working over the hill. And so I was like, it's like a 35 minute drive. And so he's like, okay, I'm coming. So he came down. He picked up my housemate who was working his job. They both were just like, we have to leave. Like Whitney needs to go to the hospital right now. Yeah. Yeah. And so, I called back labor delivery. I was like, I can be there in an hour. And they're like, we'll have a bed ready for you. And we're going to call it up already. And so we get there and, you know, my husband came with me because he's now freaked out. My toddler is my housemate. And they're like, so we ran some tests and we had to run it twice because I was like, I wasn't feeling good. Right. And so I went in, they checked me out and they're like, you probably have a bacteria infection. And I'll be like, okay, well, let me just take whatever I need to take. Right. Which is not much when you're pregnant. You can't take a lot of medicine when you're pregnant. No, yeah. Really, yeah. And they're like, yeah, bacteria infections happen all the time with pregnancy. I was like, yeah, yeah, I get it. Because that's what happened in my first pregnancy too. And so I was just like, okay, cool. Give me the pills. Load me up. And then they're like, okay, so, they're like, we're gonna check some blood, blah blah blah, and they call me, and they're like, we had to run it twice, just to be sure, right? And then, they're explaining it to me, and I was just like, wait, so what is it? And they're just like, it's a rare bacteria, there's very few cases, and the last case was like, In their feet in a guy and they're like, Oh, they're like, we don't even know how to say it. Like we had to look it up. Oh, medically say it. It's exactly what you want to hear on the phone from your doctor. Like, we don't know. So, uh, here we go. So we're in there and they have the first IV going and they're like monitoring me. Monitoring the baby's pulse and all that. Yeah. And they're like, yeah, the only way to give this to you is you have to come back two more days and sit here for an hour. So it's best to come back exactly 24 hours later. So then I was like, call work and had to cancel and I was like, so what is it? And then they're like, can I write it down on a post it for you? Cause they didn't know how to say it. Oh my goodness. And I was just like, oh gosh, oh gosh. Yeah, that's basically how that turned out and yeah, and I wasn't able it was like one thing after another and then they thought they got rid of it And then six days after I gave birth my body went into shock and it was resurging again And they still don't even know how I got it. Right? That's almost scarier because the anxiety of like, could I get it again at any time? Because I don't know what to avoid. Oh my gosh. And they were like, are you, they're like, are you breastfeeding? I was like, yes. And they're like, okay, well then you're going to have to come back for IV drips again. And I was like, what if I, I was like, what's the half life of the medicine? And they're like, you need 12 hours to. You know, and I go, okay, so if I don't breastfeed for 24 hours, my daughter will be fine if I give her some formula. We had breast milk already pre pumped, right? Yeah. And so I was like, we have enough. I was like, just give me, we were in the ER for like six hours. And I was just like, just give me the shots. You can pump and dump. Yeah. And I was just like, cool. It's like 2 a. m. in the morning. They're probably already feeding her what's in the fridge because I've been gone for six hours. Yeah. And I was like, just give it to me now. Let's just do that. But they had to do like full on scans. They had to do ultrasound. Oh. And then they had to like go back and do it again because there was like, they called it anomaly. There was anomalies in my, like, uterus, or uterus area in my stomach. Yeah. Yeah. That, of just things floating around. And they were just like, And I was just like, what is that? Like, Unidentified objects. Floating objects. Literally UFOs in your uterus. Yeah. And so I was just like, Um, do I have like, is those worms? And they're like, no, there's just like, it's like dust particles. But like, not dust, you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. To them it looks like dust particles. Yeah. And they're like, Uh, yeah, they're gonna probably take your blood now. And I was like, okay. Okay, great! So yeah, so that, that was, crazy. One thing after another. Yeah. I'm glad you're okay. Yeah, they scheduled me for like twice as many like checkups post pregnancy after that six day scare. And so, you know, once we finally got the like, Clear. They were like, okay, what do you wanna do? And I was like, well spend some time with my baby. And then I was like, okay, I'm ready to like, and start my podcast. Do something now. Right? Yeah. I was like, I'm gonna start my podcast. And then, um, Erica, oh my gosh, I'm gonna say her last name wrong. Rudy. Rodney. She has the glass ceilings and sticky floors podcast. She like is she's so good. I love her Okay, and she just came out with a book by the same name and it's so good. I have it on audio And she just reached out and I was just like hey, I have this idea. It was like on threads or Instagram I was like, yeah I'm thinking about starting a podcast and I was just throwing out into the universe and I was like I'm gonna do it by the beginning of next year. Yeah, and she just came on she goes Hey, you want to schedule a quick chat? Like I can tell you what you need. And I was like, really? Yes. And so we just, we met on zoom for like 30 minutes and she was really cool, super down to earth. And she was just like, Blah, blah, blah. Like, dude, like, here's this. This is what I use. Like, you know, things that people are like, pay me, like, money for. She was just like, here you go. And I was like, awesome. That's awesome. That's awesome. Yeah, she was amazing. And then so I was like, I'm going to go do this right now. And I ended up getting the podcast out on December 16th instead of waiting for the new year. Yeah. Why wait? Yeah. And, um, I was telling you this right before. So at the time of this recording, listeners, We are two listens away from being at 250 downloads for the first 30 days of the podcast. Um, so yeah, I'm like super excited. I'm like waiting for that number to switch on my phone. I know. It's like Christmas morning. I know, right? It's so, it's like, I'm just like the anticipation to, and just being like, Ooh, I have time to go get like a bottle of champagne to pop like at 250. And it was so cool to be like, when we reached 200, which was the initial goal, and I reached out to Erica and I was like, we made it to 200. And she's like, you're on fire, girl. And I was like, I know it's not going viral, you know, and all that, but not yet. That's like 200 people I did not know. 200 downloads of people that I didn't know. So the fact that it's catching fire by itself, I'm totally fine with that. Oh my, you should be so proud of yourself. That's huge. I mean, way to have the courage to put it out there. And especially after everything with your pregnancy to be like, you know what? Now is the time and just going for it. I mean, that's amazing. The fact that I've met so many cool people like you, like we have so much in common and like, I feel like we, we like really gel really well. For sure. The chemistry is like flowing through the screen. And listeners like Ellie and I have not. Not talked outside of like Instagram threads like posting literally like text only I was like It sounds like this I like it So, yeah And then having these like conversations with you and like our other guests where it's talking about stuff that We know that we go through it as parents, but like not a lot of people are talking about it. And then also like the stuff with business and parents, that's just like a whole nother story. And I like to. have these kind of more down to earth conversations because I feel like if people hear us talking about it on a platform like so public like this, they're like, yeah, let's talk about my kid's weird poop. I just think it's, You know, I, I think there was a time when it was really beneficial to project yourself and market yourself as having everything together, motherhood or fatherhood, and your business and everything is fine. And we're putting out this polished front. And I think that people are tired of that. And I think that the trend is you got to just be real, you know, do your job well, parent well and put out good stuff, but be real about it. Because. That's where people connect. When people connect, people buy. And that's what you need in this day and age. That's true, that's true. Okay, I totally forgot to ask you. I'm going to switch gears on you like super fast. Yeah, let's do it. But I totally forgot to ask you, when we were talking about copywriting stuff, if somebody is new to the game, I always ask my guests this, if someone's new to the game, what would you suggest be first actionable steps if they're like, whether it's, hiring a copywriter or even if they're not at that phase where they can hire out, what do you suggest would be a good first step for them? Okay. So you're talking about someone who needs copywriting services. Yes. Yes. Okay. So here's my whole thing. And anyone can write copy. This is not rocket science. Anyone can write about themselves. Anyone can, can write a blog or an email. It's not rocket science, but if you're a business owner and a parent, especially you can do anything, but you can't do everything. You can't. That's a good one. That's it. you can try, but why would you sacrifice? a plate or a ball being thrown in the air. If you're putting out amazing services, okay, so my client that I'm working with is an organizer right now. And she's amazing. And she works with clients, totally just nonjudgmental. She gets in there. She is hands on. She is focused on her clients and her clients only when she's working. And then she goes home and she has two teenage daughters. When is she going to have time to write and market herself? She's not. And her services are amazing and they deserve to be out there. And if she took time to Write her website and write her emails and write her blogs. That would be time away from her daughters or time away from her clients. So it's got to be handed off to someone. So I think the first step and it's hard to do is to ask for help and narrow down on like, okay, what do I need help with it? Whether it's copywriting services. Graphics, accounting, your books, identify what you need for help and then go from there. If you can't ask for help because it's a finance thing or a time thing, I would say figure out the things that you can do well and focus on those and table the things that you can and accept like, Hey, this isn't going to be the most perfect Instagram host of all time, but that's okay. We're going to get it out there. I think that's the biggest thing, giving yourself compassion and. recognizing that asking for help is a good thing. You make, yeah, you make such a great point because even just the fact of sitting yourself down and having that time where you're just like, here is everything that I, that needs to be done. And then just be like, what's my least favorite? Or, what's something I can pass off on? Yeah. And I feel like a lot of people I mean, I used to be this way too. A lot of people, their to do list is in their head. For sure. Their playbook is still inside their head. And I am a systems girl all the way through. Like, I, right now, I'm working part time with my old boss. And some of the stuff I'm doing is I'm literally writing guides on how to do stuff. And for them, it's like, okay, yes, I know how to do this action and I go, cool. But if you were to be out, could somebody else do that for you? Yeah. And they're like, oh, I would have to train them. And I go, but what if it's an emergency and you can't train them? Right. And so like, what are you going to do with a guidebook or a playbook? It's all about just be like, here's the book. And it literally says like, open this website. Click. Yes. Click. No. Enter password. You know, like, yeah. So. It's one of those things too, it's just like sitting down and just recognizing what's on your plate and which plate is your least favorite, basically. Yes, or least thing that's not good. That not moving the ball, farm it out could make everything else better. I mean, that's true. You know, like I think sometimes you have to talk to your ego to be like, yeah, yes, you can do it all. You can, but you can't do it all well. And that's the reality, you know, and it's always okay to ask for help. Always, always, I feel like I think that the leaders in whatever industry you're in, they're the leaders because they're asking for help. They are not afraid to talk about themselves and put themselves out there and also recognize this is what I'm focusing on. These are the things I need to bolster that. This is the help I need to get there. I love this because like, I don't know if you know this about me, Ellie, but I worked in the mental health field for like the last 10 years. And so I'm all about like, Yes. I love therapy. People, if they can, should go to therapy you know. It's definitely something that's less stigmatized these days. But also, taking care of your mental health and other things that you do, as a parent, as a business owner. And just kind of like, I think, I forgot who said it. It might have been Natalie Ellis or whoever. But like, close the tabs that are in your head. Yeah, and it's hard to do. Yeah, it's hard to close the tabs. Yeah. Because like, just like our phones, if we have too many apps open, it's going to die faster. All right. It's, it's going to burn out. It's going to shut down, and humans are the same way too. If there's too much going on, we're going to burn ourselves out. I joke my six year old he's learning about his emotions. He's starting to like, It's like his mind is unlocking to like, he's really recognizing this is an angry feeling this. My mind is doing this. He's starting to be aware of what's going on in his head. And I tell him, I'm like, you know, you kind of have to, this is going to sound crazy, but sometimes your mind, all the tabs are open and your mind is firing in lots of different directions. And you kind of have to talk to your mind a little bit and be like, thank you so much mind for giving me this angry feeling. I see you. I'm going to, I'm going to deal with it later, but I'm not going to deal with it right now. And I'm going to move on about the day. Not, not like shove it away or not repressing it away. Right. But just recognizing it and saying, that's so great mind. Thank you for sharing this intrusive thought with me. If you're a mom, I'm sure you get them. Yep. Thank you so much for putting that crazy thought in my mind, but I'm going to focus on this right now. And you have to really just kind of constantly be tuned in with yourself. To keep the ball rolling. And I think if you try to ignore it all, and because you said, I can, because you say to yourself, I can do it all. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. Everything's fine. Eventually it's, it's not going to be, it's going to catch up. Awesome. Yeah. I love that. So Ellie, before we start wrapping up, do you have any final thoughts for our listeners, I think this is the year for everyone. I feel like 2024 was close to COVID and things were starting to blossom and grow, but I think 2025 is the year that. Everyone is just excited for and there's hope and there's vibrancy in the air. So, my final thought is to tell everyone, all the listeners to tap into that, ask for help when you need it so that you can be part of that awesome energy. And if the help you need is marketing yourself and copywriting services, you can reach out to me on my Instagram. Um, Whitney, I don't know if you can link that or yes, but the handle somewhere. Yeah, but that's the best place to reach me. I am a doom scroller till the day I die. Yeah. Okay. So I'll put your Instagram down below and then I'll also put your website. Yes. And my website. Yes, for sure. So listeners that will be down in our show notes as well. Yay. So, okay. So I have to ask. How was your first time recording? It was so fun. I don't want it to end. I feel like we're friends now. I'm like, great, let's keep in touch. This is awesome. Oh, dude, we can send voice memos to each other all the time now. It'll be like our own, like, private, like, Instagram podcast. Like, of voice memos. I know. Do we start a Patreon? I don't know. It'll be the Ellie and Whitney show. Get in for the tea. Oh my gosh, okay. So, thank you again, Ellie, for coming on the show. for having me. I really, really appreciate you having, you coming in. Like, I am so glad that you sent me that thread, message, and that you slid into my DMs, and you got this off. Yes, algorithm. Yes, thank you, algorithm. You did something right. Yes, yes, indeed. Um, sweet. And so, again. Thank you for coming and everyone else. I will see you in the next episode. Thank you again for listening to another episode of Caffeine Chaos. Remember that if you like this episode, it would really mean the world to us if you would leave us a review. It really helps us get out there and known to more people. Make sure to hop over onto Instagram and threads and follow Caffeine Chaos Podcast and if you're up at midnight doom scrolling threads, well, guess what? I will see you there. Send me a message, tag me, and yeah, let's keep the conversation going. Until next time friends, stay caffeinated, do your best, and don't forget to ask for help. Alright, I will see you all next time. Love you all. Bye!

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