Caffeinated Chaos
Caffeinated Chaos Podcast - Where the hustle meets the heart — navigating business, parenthood, and everything in between with a cup of coffee and a lot of laughs.
Being a parent and an entrepreneur isn’t for the faint of heart—it’s messy, beautiful, and downright chaotic. Caffeinated Chaos is your weekly dose of real talk, humor, and practical advice for balancing the wild ride of parenthood with the relentless demands of running a business.
Hosted by Whitney Aguon, a mom who's use to typing proposals one-handed while holding a baby bottle in the other, this podcast celebrates the chaos, laughter, and resilience of parentpreneurs everywhere. Expect heartfelt stories, relatable mishaps, and expert insights delivered with a caffeinated twist. Each episode is designed to leave you feeling validated, entertained, and equipped with actionable tips to make your hustle more harmonious.
Whether you’re juggling conference calls and carpool lanes, or just here for the laughs (and maybe a little sanity), Caffeinated Chaos is your go-to space for navigating the chaos of life and business with confidence, connection, and coffee.
Tune in weekly for:
- Honest conversations about the highs and lows of parentpreneur life
- Actionable strategies for growing your business while staying grounded at home
- Laugh-out-loud moments that remind you: you’re not alone in this crazy journey
So grab your coffee, embrace the mess, and let’s dive into the beautiful chaos together!
Caffeinated Chaos
25. Finding Balance in Parenthood & Business with Guest Brianna Goslin
In this episode of Caffeinated Chaos, I sit down with Brianna to talk about the reality of juggling parenthood, entrepreneurship, and everyday life. From the challenges of working from home with kids to setting up routines that actually work, we cover it all. Brianna shares practical advice on being intentional about creating a life that supports your goals, whether that’s structuring your day for success or finding small ways to amplify joy. We also dive into strategies for working with neurodiverse children and why meeting your child (or client) where they’re at is a game-changer.
What You’ll Learn:
- The importance of creating a life that aligns with your values and goals
- How to establish routines that set you and your family up for success
- The power of using small cues like "next" or "step one, step two" to help kids stay on track
- Why being intentional with your time and energy can reduce stress and overwhelm
- How parenthood and business both require adaptability and a willingness to pivot
Connect with Brianna:
- Instagram: briannagoslinmortgages
- Website:
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Welcome to Caffeinated Chaos, where business deals happen between diaper changes and friendships are fueled by caffeine. I'm Whitney Uggen, your host, and I'm here to talk all things business, parenthood, and of course, keeping up with the BFFs. Whether you're juggling the boardroom, the playroom, or just here for some coffee fueled chaos, we've got you covered. Get ready for real talk, laughs, and a whole lot of heart as we dive into the beautiful mess that is entrepreneurship, parenthood, and everything in between. So let's embrace the chaos together. Caffeinated, of course.
Welcome back, and on today's podcast, we have an awesome guest. Her name is Brianna Gosling. She is a mortgage broker and a podcast host in Canada. After 10 years of teaching, she dove headfirst into entrepreneurship, and she's the mom of two little girls and a wife to a goofball as she says. So let's welcome Brianna to the show. So welcome to the podcast, Brianna. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me. I'm stoked to be here. Yeah, and you're joining us all the way from Canada, right? I am, yes. It's in Muskoka, cottage country. How's the weather up there right now? Well, we've had five days of bus cancellations, so I've been driving my kids to school because I'm sick of having them at home. Um, due to freezing rain and snow, so yeah, it's dicey up here. Wow, I mean, I can't complain. I'm in California. So it's like 73 degrees outside Yeah, so why don't you tell our listeners a little bit about you and what you do up there Absolutely. So I am a mortgage agent here in Canada in the States. I believe you call them loan officers. So I am self employed. I, so I have my own business and my husband also runs his own business, from our home. He's an accountant and I'm a former teacher educator. So yeah, I made the jump to working for myself about three years ago and I have two small kids, five and seven and yeah, that's it. to me in a nutshell. So can I ask, like, what grades did you teach? I taught grades one to three. I was actually a French immersion teacher. So I taught in French, in the second language. And yeah, once I had my own children, I realized I like my own children a little bit better than the 25 other children that I didn't have the energy anymore. So hence the switch to mortgages. Yeah, I'm always super impressed when I, when I talk to teachers, especially teachers of young children, you know, like my toddlers only three and I'm just like, Oh, God, I could not imagine having a room full of like, three and four year olds, and then they start becoming that age where they make friendships and it's like clicky, I don't even want to talk about high school. That's just, whew. Could you imagine high school, like? No, I looked like a high school student when I was teaching, so I very much could not go into a high school and then command any sort of respect, so I was stuck with the little kids. That's fair, that's fair. So how about we just jump right into your chaotic moment and now that they've got a little, taste of who you are, so what's going on? What's been chaotic in the moment? Everything, always, all at once. I figured that was the answer. Honestly, this, uh, just getting to this podcast was chaotic today, so but like I said, both my husband and I are business owners and the way our schedules work is we kind of just flow with our kids and we divide and conquer. So I'm a morning person. I'm up at like 4am and I do a lot of work then. Before my kids wake up, my husband's a night owl. So he does all his work at night time. And today actually he was taking a nap in our bedroom and I was putting on some makeup to Get on this podcast was telling him you gotta get downstairs. I have to be on the podcast in 10 minutes and he like woke up from a deep sleep and ran downstairs and now I don't know he's doing something else there, but that isn't even involving our children, but everything in our house is kind of a flux and it's chaos at all times and I try to Call it harmony or will it into being harmony, but yeah, it's chaos all the time. So you are A mom of two, because I just want to make sure that the listeners know how awesome super mom you are. You're a mom of two, right? It's you and your husband, both as entrepreneurs. You're, you have your own business and you're a podcast host too, right? Yes. Oh my gosh. Can you add anything else to your plate? Oh, I do a lot of community work, actually. I'm a, Nordic skiing coach in the winter and, yeah, I don't like any downtime. But I will say that my podcast is very closely linked to my business. It's called Let's Talk About Money. And I spend my whole day talking about money and I very well know that they don't teach you any of that in school, having been a teacher. So it's really close. Kind of an ad hoc to my business and it's a great way to kind of get people into my world. And I can do it from my sweatpants, which is lovely, you know, as I, I love that. Yes. Because podcaster, like, even if you're taking a video, it's one of those things where like people do it all the time with interviews where it's fancy above the waist and then sweatpants below, you know? Cause that's totally me. Just like, I love sweatpants. I would wear sweatpants all day if I could, you know, I have a rule. No hard pants unless I have to. That's a good rule. That's a good rule. Like sweatpants. We're good with that. Yes. Yes. I still have kind of an excuse where like, I just gave birth like four months ago so I can wear my mom leggings all day every day and no one can say anything. But yeah, also, wow, you have like, I like how I was like, anything else to your plate? And you're just like, let me just add in some desserts and like an extra scoop of something else. I mean, you really are like, just looking at how much you do are really kind of like super mom, super woman. And then can I ask, what do you see yourself as like, if you were to say one thing was Like, the top of your personality, what would be one thing that you would describe yourself first as? Oh, wow, honestly, a connector. I have a great nag for kind of, I'm an introvert that presents as an extrovert, and I like to go deep and be like, tell me all your trauma, whether it be my clients or my friends or people that I'm meeting in the community. And I have this. large network of people that I'm connected to in my community. So I end up connecting people, all the time. And it's been great for business, it's great for podcasting, and it really brings me joy. So I think that's kind of part of my personality and my natural talent. That's what really brings me joy. Oh, nice. I totally, when you were saying that, I totally thought of like, You know how people are like, Oh, you're like six connections or seven connections away from knowing somebody else. Right. The like six degrees of, I think it was like six degrees of Kevin Bacon or whatever, something like that. And I feel like everyone must know Brianna like, and then you're the one who's like, Oh, did you know, you know, Tom and Bill and Jim, you know, and Mary and cause they all know Brianna. Yes. It's very, that very, that, yeah. That's so great. And I, I love also. I'm jumping around backseat. You talking about finances. I love the idea that this is what you do and this is also what you podcast the idea of talking about financials because it's Been recently like a taboo kind of topic where like people don't want to discuss their financial situations with others. And I've known people who have even been in a relationship where I'm like, did you guys talk about this? And they're like, no, I don't want to bother them, you know? And I'm like, but you're in a relationship And so I feel like that's when you definitely need to start talking about finances, but also being open with Maybe your family, your friends, and all that kind of thing, like, you don't have to be either ashamed or embarrassed to talk about what you make, and even if someone is not necessarily just needing help financially, but even if you're doing good financially, it's also okay to do that in a way that's not bragging, like, you don't have to feel like you're bragging to others, you know, it could just be an honest conversation, right? Honestly, Whitney, that's the whole premise of my podcast, is that, one, we don't talk about any of this stuff in school, two, there's so much shame around money, whether you're making it, or whether you need it, or whether you have crazy debt, like, there's just so much shame, and people come to me wanting to apply for a mortgage to purchase a home, and they're like, well, I should've done this, and I should've done that, and I say, stop, you're shooting all over yourself. You don't need to do that. Take away the shame. And from having been an educator during COVID, I was actually like, it was really intimate. Like I was in, I was teaching six year, six year olds, but I was really in their living room and I was with their family and I was seeing. Some things I probably shouldn't have seen, but that's also carried on into my life as a mortgage agent or loan officer because I have to ask everybody kind of to unpack their financial baggage and that's a hard thing to do. You kind of have to create a safe space for that. So whether it's, yeah, in my job or, podcasting, it, I just really want to create a space where people can have those conversations and just kind of like. let their shoulders down, just say things truthfully in a way that there's no judgment coming back at them because especially as women it's so difficult to enter those spaces whether they be virtual or brick and mortar and actually have a voice. When it comes to finances and what you bring up with couples too, is I see so many couples who have financial secrets and that runs deep and it's often just a symptom. The finances are a symptom of something else going on emotionally, right? And I think now it's 2024, we're headed into 2025, like we're ready to be having those conversations out loud. So that, yeah, I'm really passionate about that. I love that. Like I, so I really love that idea too. And then also my background is, in the mental health field for like double digits for like 10 years. And I recently got out of that. And although I didn't like do direct therapy, I worked with adults with developmental disabilities and a lot of things that come up is who handles the financials. And so like, you know, most people are, have access to their financials where others are, have a caregiver or somebody, dedicated to doing that. And I think that like, even if you are part of a family or anything like that, like having those Options and those not sorry, not options, but like those talks are really important. And I think that like growing up to if you're a caregiver for somebody, whether it's a child, a grandparent, a sibling, that you should also still be having those conversations. Like my daughter's only three and Even though she doesn't fully get the concept of how much money is, like a 5 bill is equal to a 1 bill, you know, in her mind, it's just a dollar. Everything's a dollar. But going and having those like, like, oh, you need a dollar buck, you know, is what Bluey calls them, you know, dollar bucks. And she goes, I need a dollar buck to buy this. And I'm like, yes, you do. And then, And so we have her count dollars and then she'll go to the dollars and she'll, I mean, it's also a way that we have her work on numbers, but she'll go to like target or the dollar tree. And I'm like, okay, you have 5 bucks. Like now we have to find the number five and see if, you know, you can find a number one, two, three, four, or five. And then you can have that thing, you know, you can buy that thing. And she loves putting the little dollars into like the target self machine, you know, self checkout machine. But I feel like a lot of people too is just like, I know that when I grew up, it was like, I did chores and I got money. That's how, like, that's how my parents structured it. Right. But before then, and even after they were giving money, they're like, Oh, here's a couple bucks. And then I'm like, I'm going to go to the store. No one really was like, Hey, if you want to buy that big thing, don't wait for Christmas and Santa, like you can save your money and buy that big thing for yourself. And so like, when I felt like I got a job, I was just like, Oh my God, I make huge dollar bucks now, you know? And then I would spend it all. And then having that like, Oh, I have all this stuff now, but not saving for the big stuff too. And then I felt like bad when I wasn't getting the big stuff when I thought I needed it. Like, like you were saying, like, people were like, I should have saved for a house or I should have saved for this car. And then now I'm like, Oh man, how much like. Sweaters and bags that I buy that could have equaled a car and, you know, and then feeling like I didn't do enough or save enough. I can totally see how people feel that kind of shame and then. But it felt good in the moment. Does that make sense? You know? Oh, yeah. I talk all the time, especially with my younger clients who are first time homebuyers, about delayed gratification because that's, I mean, you're likely close in age to me, but Kids who are growing up right now, they don't experience that, that delayed gratification. And it's great what you were saying with your daughter that she has to match the amount of money with the object. So it kind of gives it value, like it gives that money weight because otherwise it's just a piece of paper, right? Right. And on the podcast, I talk so much about money stories and like what our money stories are, whether our parents, our parents all have the best of intentions, right? They did the best they could with what they had. Right. But Or, and it's left a lot of us with money trauma, and I think it's important to acknowledge that, and I just read, a really great book, it's called Everything But Money, by a Canadian author up here, and, it really highlights the fact that Your money problems are about everything but money. Oftentimes it can be generational trauma, it can be the way you were raised, it can be the conversations around money, or whether you're the product of a divorce, or all of these things impact our spending and our attitudes towards money. Just in the way that your relationship with your husband has been impacted by all the baggage that you're carrying from previous relationships from your upbringing, right? different. And it's actually something that I would say people in our society right now put a bigger value on money than they do on healthy relationships and being a great mom and all these things that you can't attach a price tag to. So I think it's important to be gentle with yourself when you're thinking, when you're shitting yourself to death and saying I should have done this, I should have done that. While also having some accountability for the behavior and next steps forward. So I also talk a lot about on the podcast about how you should be employing these professionals who actually can give a job to your money or can help you pay down your debt or help you reach all those goals because there's people who are Really excited to meet you and work with you. But often times that shame keeps people from walking to the office or booking an online appointment. Because people, you don't know what you don't know. Right? Right. And then that's all kind of covered up with these feelings of vulnerability that people don't like to feel. Yeah, yeah, I can definitely see how, like, if I was like, to imagine the situation where I'm somebody who needs financial help and it's something that maybe they haven't talked about, you know, at all, just to be like, okay, today I'm going to get up and I'm going to go somewhere that I'm going to talk to somebody, like, you know, and then, In my head, we talk about like all this like shoulds and then trying to like Seem like you've got it together, but it's okay that you if you don't like, you know, you don't have to Find the perfect outfit like that can't Don't let that be an excuse on why you don't get up and just go, you know, you don't have to look a certain way. And move away from comparison, because the Joneses, if you're keeping up with the Joneses, they're dead. It's 2024. Everybody has debt. They're like drowning in it. So move away from comparison towards alignment. And if you have an idea, even if your life is nowhere. Near what you want it to be if you have an idea of the goals that you want to achieve Then you can take steps towards that but you have to get rid of the comparison That is really the bane of my existence such a pet peeve when people are looking at their neighbors and thinking they should be doing The same things like they don't have your your backpack of memories and they don't have your goals. So forget it doesn't matter Exactly. And, and also listeners, it doesn't matter where you are in your journey. If you're a young professional, if you're in college, if you're in your retirement stage, like every walks of life should, you know. This is something that you can take stuff away from, and lessons away from. So I like that. And, you know, and for like us moms and parents out there, like, it's not too early to, introduce your kid to money and having those conversations so that they learn, as well. Even like I said, with my daughter, it's more about her learning her numbers. These five pieces of paper equal this bluey toy that she really likes, you know? So it's that kind of lessons, although she may never remember taking five dollars to go buy the bluey toy. When she grows up, it's something that can start like forming this relationship with money and she's learning regardless, right? Like whether you're intentional about it or not, she's learning from your behavior. So if you are intentional and you're giving her that good. financial knowledge or financial literacy, then you're really doing her a service rather than a disservice of hiding behind whatever money stuff you're going through. Let me know your thoughts on this, but I also try when I'm intentionally shopping with my daughter. So like, if we're just going to the grocery store, I'm like, I'm buying a bunch of groceries and she's not really paying attention, you know, then I'm like, swipe with my card. But if it's something where I'm going and I'm like, gonna let her pick something out, And let her have the practice of paying for it. I like to use paper money in front of her. And then that way she doesn't, in my opinion, in my brain, it says, Whitney, this is teaching your daughter not to just swipe and go, swipe and go, you know, because I feel like that's how people get into debt really fast. You're telling me that you're correct in that. And I think that both are good. It's obviously important that kids understand what cash is. But then I look ahead where I try to vision, envision what Things are going to be like 10 years from now, 15 years from now. That's true. And cash may become obsolete, right? Like we, we don't know what's going to happen. So I think introducing your kids at the right developmental age to that piece of plastic and like, hey, this has a value too. And this is actually linked to a bank account and then opening up a bank account when they're. 8, 9, 10, so that they can see what it's like or giving them a prepaid visa so they can see the declining balance on it and see what the ramifications are on their own finances, I think is also a great idea. That's a good idea. Yeah, I might pick that up when she understands. Numbers more like she really in the visual numbers. Yeah. Oh my God. She always tells me she goes, it, she goes, it's, it's 0 7 2 3 o'clock. And I'm like, what? And she like looks up the digital clock and she goes, it's 0 7 2 3. And I go. Yeah, 723. Good job. Yeah, girl, close enough. She got the numbers right. And it's so interesting because I didn't ask her what time it was, but then she's also learning that like, that's a clock and it's a clock a time, you know? So everything's just whatever the number is, a clock. Yeah. And I was having this, to get away from financials, I was having this moment with her. Where, everyone started putting up their Christmas decorations in, like right after Thanksgiving. And listeners, at the time of this, we're recording this on December 11th. So it's been 11 days, so quote unquote, Since Christmas has started, apparently, because everyone starts counting it on the first, she has walked outside and seen our neighbors, decorations and every time she goes outside, she screams like super loud. It's the first day of Christmas. And I'm like. I'm like, well, if our neighbors weren't awake now, it's like having like a rooster come outside and just keep announcing that every day for the last 11 days, plus, you know, those days between Thanksgiving and the first that every day is the first day of Christmas. And so it's fun watching her kind of try to learn the Like what time is and that days have passed, but like she learns these phrases and then she just thinks that just means that all of December is Christmas. Like her interpretation, right? Yeah, and it's so interesting to see like a three year old mind, right? Cause I, you know, you were around little kids cause you were a teacher, but my child is the first in our friend group where like, everyone just is like, Oh, what's she doing today? And I'm like, she's learning. It's the first day of Christmas or like, you know, and she'll. She comes in, and she's learning how to interact with people. I don't know if your kids did this, but like, my daughter, she'll like, somebody will be like, oh, like, nice dress, or she's checking out, and she's like, oh, you're such a big girl paying for your own stuff, right? And she goes, I'm not a big girl. I'm a Kayla. I was like, yes, you are. And then she starts telling everyone your business. That's mommy. That's daddy. I'm buying this. I have 5 like, and then they're just like, she's so like talkative. And I go, yep. Now you can't get her to stop. She's going to talk to you for the next 10 minutes. Have fun. You know? Oh man. My kids did that too. And it's so funny because. The younger they are, the more, and not in a bad way, the more self centered they are, like their world is here and they can't imagine anything outside of their own experience, right? And I saw this when I was teaching too. Now my eldest is seven, so she's Kind of getting out of that. She's understanding that other people have different experiences, but my five year old is still very much entrenched in that like Individualistic it is my world and only my world exists and it's so funny because they'll tell ya their interpretation of things is, it's here, it's right here. And if you're listening, and you're not looking at the video, I, my hands are right in front of my face because that is as far as your child cognitively sees, when they're under the age of five. And it's so funny to me cause I have to remind myself and you'll go through it too. Having two kids is when they're at different developmental stages. You have to speak to them differently and they have a completely different experience of what's going on in the house or on a day trip or whatever is going on. It's so funny. It's hilarious. Yeah, I am so ready like Not that I'm ready to, like, kick my kids out, but Mikayla is so ready to go to school, like, she asks all the time. She goes, when can I see my teacher? Like, you know, and, and it's one of those things where she's allotted screen time, and so she gets to pick between our family watches, Miss Rachel or Mika, or Miss Katie's classroom. And she recently has been getting really into Katie's classroom. And so she's like, oh, miss Katie's my teacher. And I was like, well, yeah, it's Katie's classroom. And so then she's like, when can I go to my classroom? Like I wanna go to school. And she'll like put on a little backpack and she'll stuff it full of like her stuffies. And she's like, they're all coming with me to school. And I was like, all right, it's gonna be heavy. And then. You know, and then she realizes that it's way too heavy and she'll just bring one stuffy and but she'll pack a backpack. And I'm like, this little girl is ready to just leave us. Like she's off, she's ready to go. And it's so interesting to see too, because that like, in my head, like I still have, you know, our recent experience, well, you you're a teacher. So your recent experience is you teaching, but my recent experience with school is like being like, okay. Senioritis dragging my feet. Like I don't like, and then here, here's my three year old like. She's not even enrolled in school yet, and she's like packing a bag. She's bringing all her friends. She's got she's on the other end of the spectrum Yeah, she hasn't been jaded yet from the system And so It's like really nice to see but like I also feel like you've kind of touched on this where you're like It's a harmony and not so much of a balance right when it comes to stuff So like when right now my kids are full time at home, right? They're three and four months And when she goes off to school and how excited she is from school, I have like, I feel like she is going to be super easy to just fly out the door and go to school. But also that means that my whole morning routine is going to change. It's not just wake up, care for the four month old when she wakes up, and then when the toddler eventually rolls out of bed, you know, get her fed and all that. Then it's gonna be like, okay, this time wake up, plus now I have to wake the baby, get everyone in the car, I mean, luckily I don't have to go through snow like you. But, yeah, that whole, that whole thing is gonna be kind of a new, experience for me, so like, How did you deal with it? Like with realizing that it's not going to be so much of a balance, but I, you say harmony. I like using the word flow. Like it's a, like, sometimes you'll have more time to flow into your business, more time to flow with your family. How did you give me like, honestly, I don't know if I'm the person to take advice. It's like I said, it's chaos all day, every day, but it's our chaos that we've created. Right. So when my kids were really little, it was COVID was happening and I would. It's teaching from home. So I had, and I also had two of my sisters, I have a twin sister and an older sister, and they had both moved in with me because of different life circumstances. And so I had four adults and two small children and my youngest was actually sleeping in my walk in closet upstairs. And it was just wild. It was crazy. Like we were all the adults were working and we were kind of like sharing childcare and trying to just get through the day. And then by the end of the day, I was exhausted. And my husband and I said, okay, we need to make a change because this is not working between us passing off the kids and trying to somehow make money just was not working. So. We were really intentional about creating the kind of life we wanted. We moved. Balance. Hello. So listeners, you can't see her yet, but, if my daughter, my toddler literally must have had her ears ringing cause she walked in and now she is, I think she's going to start interviewing Brianna. Sounds good. So yeah, we moved, we moved up north, we moved two hours away, I quit my job, I started my own business, and then we had one kid in daycare and one kid at school, and it's continued to change and grow, all of our routines, but as I get older, I realize that things will always change, and you have to find the good, and then just kind of mitigate the bad. In every situation, and like if at the beginning of this year, getting to school was a big issue and that was like this real, really big to do every morning, getting the hair done, getting the clothes on. Now it's not. But now coming home after school snacks a big deal and that's a battle and this and that and it's always going to change I'm always going to have a hard part in my day and it's just kind of rolling with whatever that's gonna be But then on the back end and the conversations that I have with my husband For your partner, whoever you're parenting with, it's kind of about being, in my mind, being intentional about setting yourself up for success, acknowledging that you're going to have these bad days that are going to be tough, but also just having as much success as possible and really amplifying those moments of joy. So for us, for my husband and I, It's joyful to spend time together and this is why we are both self employed and work from home so that we can have like the odd lunch date or even just a child free conversation. Like that amplifies the joy in my life. Whereas driving, commuting through the snow to a workplace would not. So those are things that are within my control that I can make sure are amplified but, As I say that things still blow up. It's parenthood, right? It's parenthood. It's entrepreneurship. It's, it's all of that. But, yeah, I think trying to be intentional about setting yourself up for success and amplifying the joy is my advice. I totally agree with you because having kids is such a whole nother level like I feel like nobody who like babysits or watches some other, someone else's kids quite can understand what it's like to have your own, and then having a packed house like you had, you know, where everybody was also staying home during that time. Like you, you had four adults, two kids, but then you also had like virtually 25 kids with you, but it's not the same as if somebody will come over and like, Oh, let me take your, you know, your daughter out to dinner. And I'm like, cool. Go with auntie go with uncle. And then they're like, Oh, she was perfect. She was like, so well behaved. And I'm like, yeah. Because you took her out and then you went to Target. Those are like her favorite places, you know. Does sometimes burn you? Like that makes me so mad sometimes when you're like complaining about how stressful your household is and they're like, well, they were fine with me, it's like. Novelty, of course! You're giving them candy! Like, you wouldn't have to also do all the household maintenance and all this stuff. You could be fun and. Yeah, that gets me sometimes. There was, there was like this Instagram Meme or something where it was like, Oh, you want to come help out, come at 4am and then tell me if you still want to help out like, you know, part, yes. So we've talked a lot of like financials and family and all that. What do you, what would you advise to be kind of like an actionable step for anyone listening, whether they connect with financials or with like parenthood harmony? What would you suggest to them would be like a good, First step, because I know that since you were a teacher, you probably have a lot of like kid tricks, way probably more than me. I haven't quite gotten to, you know, the four or five year old stage yet. So to calm the chaos, I don't know, I haven't found the secret, magic pill yet, but two things, two things actually I would mention is kind of, first of all, you need to get quiet and really see what your goals are for your family or for your business or for whatever it is you're working on, because if you don't know where you want to go, you're Just kind of treading water, and if you're having these feelings of stress and overwhelm that comes with motherhood, then you're gonna stay there. Unless you know where to pivot, you're gonna stay there. So first of all, I always suggest meditation. I think it's a great practice as somebody who suffers from anxiety. It's a really great way to start my day. Ten minutes. And at first I was only able to do like a minute and a half, but it's a muscle that you train and you work up to it, right? So I would suggest that for anybody, meditation or breath work to just kind of center yourself. And if you can do it before your kids wake up, that's like gold. That is my favorite thing, favorite way to set myself up. For success in the day. So, that's the one piece of advice I would give you. The second is to be intentional. So, to plan. I always look at my day in blocks. And specifically when my children are going to be around. And what can I do right now to set myself up for success at that time? So I know, I stop my workday because I have the luxury of doing that. Half an hour early, I make sure there's a snack on the table, and I make sure that pencils are sharpened for homework, and things are just kind of laid out. Because, and, it gets easier because once my kids get used to that routine, they start to do it themselves. So they start to get Get their things and it takes time and it always takes longer than you're going to think to kind of procure a routine for your kids, but I'm a huge fan of routines and that's something that they can fall back onto when they've had a hard day, right? They still know what the next step is just like you as mom or dad knows what. where you need to go because you've been intentional in thinking about what your goals are. They might not have goals, but they know what their routines are. So that's going to be their safeguard. So those are two things that we use in our house to kind of make things a little easier on ourselves. And like I said, nobody's perfect, but that's how we get through it. Nice. So I'll give you one more tip, if you're not able to get your kid into a routine, then, just a small cue for Next. So I have one kid who's not neurotypical ADHD and you have to break things into really small chunks. So if I said, take off your shoes and go to the washroom and wash your hands, none of it would get done. She'd be spinning in another room. Do that. So with her, we just say next. So next is take off your shoes. Mm-hmm And it does take more parent direction. Next is wash your hands. Next is, but it gives her that anchor to think, okay, this is where I'm going.'cause she can be super focused when she knows what the heck she needs to focus on. Right. But if it's too much, she just does whatever she wants to do. Right. And I think that's something that, especially for little, little, little kids is really important. Just simple and clear instructions. Yeah. And I think that's really important for parents to know too, is that. Sometimes, the way that you're approaching something might not be working for, for you and for your child. And then figuring out what that key word is. So in your child's case, it's next, whereas in my child, it's step one, step two. And meeting your kid where they're at and what they're, where they're understanding stuff. Will help one you to not be frustrated because they're not picking up what you want them to learn in the way that you want them to learn it. But if you meet your kid where they're at, and this, we always talk about this in business too, or you meet your client where they're at, and that's how you can make the bigger connection. Then it's going to be less stressful as you start teaching them this routine. Or in anything in whatever they're learning. You're sounding like a teacher there meeting them where they're at. That's, that's brilliant. I love that. It's the mental health side. I did behavioral management for 10 years. And so, a lot of the work that I did was helping clients, get through, we call it the noise in their head sometimes, to help them focus and, help them with job skills and, and life skills. And so a lot of that stuff is like figuring out a way in which they'll understand, to meet their goals that they want to achieve in life. But it's so weird because like you say that but I'm like, I could never see myself as a teacher, like, I never say never, maybe it's because like I can't see myself as a teacher to small kids, I'm totally down for a bake sale like I would do but I could not be like the teacher in the room. I will gladly support. You want to take my kid? Here's a basket. Thank you. Have fun. What do you need? I will bring you what you need. If you teach my child, I'm that mom to know, well, you've been there, you know, you've been on the other side. Awesome. Awesome. Well, Okay, so how can people get a hold of you? How can they reach out and connect and all your podcast stuff? As well. Yeah, absolutely. So I am, I live on Instagram, me too, Brianna Goslin mortgages, and my website is brianna goslin But if you're interested in my podcast, it's called Let's Talk About Money, and it's available on Spotify, apple all podcast, uh, platforms. So you can go ahead and please subscribe, rate, and review. We love that. That helps us with the algorithm and, yeah. I'd be happy to send me a DM if you heard me and I'd love to chat. Awesome. Yeah. And we're going to put all of Brianna's information in the show notes. So if you're out and you're listening to podcasts in your car, like I do, you can come back, check out the show notes and grab all those links too. Because brilliant. Do you listen to podcasts in your car? I'm a big driver. All the time. I'm always listening to podcasts. I don't like the quiet. Yeah, me too. Um, perfect. Well, thank you for joining us today. And I've, I learned a lot. And I feel like we were able to touch on subjects that have yet to be touched on this podcast. And I really hope that this kind of inspires people to kind of talk about their financials. And, you know, even if it's just someone listens to this and says, Hey partner, can we sit down? Let's just talk about this. Thank you, Whitney. I so enjoyed this. I appreciate you. Yeah. Thank you for coming again. And I'm sure that we will talk very soon. And I would love to have you back on the podcast anytime. Thank you. Thank you for joining us on Caffe Chaos. If you've enjoyed this episode, I would really appreciate if you would leave us a review and it really helps us get out there to more people. Thank you again to our guest, Brianna Goslin, and I will see you all next time.